How to Start a Zero Waste Lifestyle? 1#

Okey, it's time to talk! We have a major problem with waste! Have you notice? Or do you just shut your eyes and pretend it's not a problem?
Well, it is, and plastic is a killing thing! Think about how much waste you produce on a regular day. Disposable water bottles, coffee cups, napkins, all the packaging you throw out, the list goes on and on and one of the best things you can do is to start a zero-waste lifestyle!
Well, you probably are thinking that it's not possible or just simply is not for you, **but keep in mind that going zero-waste **(or at least reduce waste consumption) is very possible! And it can be kind of fun once you started!
As this is a big topic I'll try not to go into much detail, and stay on the topic - How to Start a Zero Waste Lifestyle.
Zero Waste is a philosophy based on a set of practices aimed at avoiding as much waste as possible.>
Bea Johnson, Author of Zero Waste home.
1.Fight Fashion.
Global fashion brands including H&M, Zara and Marks & Spencer are buying material produced in factories that devastate peoples’ health in Indonesia, China and India.>
2. If you have a baby why buy new clothes when used from a charity will do? Kids don’t care about fashion.
3. Make sure you have a No JUNK MAIL OR FREE PUBLICATIONS. You know, those glossy papers they throw in your mail that no ones reads? A lot of dead trees.
4. Think about everyday objects you use that are wasteful, and refuse them. Like, plastic bags and unnecessary packaging.
5. At the grocery store, there’s no need to plastic-bag single items of produce: just stick the price sticker (if you need one) on the produce itself. Say no to superfluous packaging!
7. Take your own shopping bag to the grocery store.
8. Give away your old clothes to charity or rip them up and use them for cleaning!
This was just the beginning on how to reduce waste. Keep updated for more info on how to start a zero-waste lifestyle!
I'm so glad that we're seeing a call for moderation and finally explaining that zero does NOT mean zero. :)
Exactly! Doing these little things, you can make a BIG difference! Say no to plastic!
Point 5 is a no go for fruit packaging: hygienic reasons. Everything else: check!