Visiting my grandmothers home and enjoying natural beauty.

in #nature3 months ago
Hi everyone. How are you all? I am fine. I hope you are also doing good. Yesterday i went to my grandmothers house. Which is situated in a village area. Today i am going to share with you that experience.


Those of you who read my posts know that I love to travel. But most of all I love to be in touch with rural nature. So whenever I get a chance I rush to the village. Yesterday i went to my grandmothers house. When I reached there a different feeling was working inside me. Because there i will get time to spend some time in contact with the rural nature.


During this winter, the rural nature is dressed in a different color. Not the same like rainy season but still I like rural nature quite a bit. I went to Nana's house and finished my personal work and went out to look around. There are lots of plants in various areas of my grandmothers house. So I like the natural beauty there more. At one point I walked into a field of crops.


I went there and saw the crop fields lying empty. Because the paddy has already been cut from the field. As a result, I could not see the busyness of the farmer in the crop field. While walking I once saw some squirrels. They saw me and ran up the tree in fear. I tried to take some pictures of them. The pictures weren't very good though. After wandering like this, I started on my way home.


That's all for today. Hope to see you in the next post.
