Winter Swans
I caved.
I broke my own (number one) rule. That is: not to feed the wild-life ...but this is Fred and William.
(Broken rule #2: Don't name the wildlife...just in case you're a person who likes to keep track of things.)
Last year, Fred and William built a nest and laid a beautiful green egg. It was early Spring but we had frazil ice left over from the winter and then, about 3 days of continual rain adding to the slushy mess.
These circumstances forced the river to flood its banks more aggressively than it normally does.
(Frazil ice looks like pieces of broken glass and slush. The problem is, it doesn't let water flow very efficiently and it causes bottle-necks and backs water (that isn't frozen) up.)
A river full of frazil ice is like a river full of slush
Fred and Williams' nest and single egg, got carried away with the icy flood waters. I observed them morn for about 2 days. It was sad as they kept trying to understand what happened to the area where their nest once was.
Currently, we have had 2 solid months of really cold weather. We've experienced subzero temperatures, that have routinely hit double digits. As a result we've also lost a lot of our open water to ice because the water has frozen.
When I saw Fred and William today, I decided to exercise some compassion and left out a little bit of corn for them on the ice.
I took this photo with a Nikon S700 camera.
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...I break my own rules from time to time.
~ Rebecca Ryan ;)
Don't feel bad about breaking the rules. I could see it if it were something like a bear or coyote. I'm sure William and Fred would concur with me.
When I was on patrol, there was a clerk at a store that stayed open 24/7 and I observed her feeding a large coyote. There had already been several sightings of it in the area and the population of these animals were rapidly growing in that county.
After I watched her feed the animal one night, I went inside the store to talk to her. (Her feeding the animal was interrupted by a mother and her small daughter going in to the store.) I asked her if that was the coyote that everyone is worried about hanging around these service stations and stores? (This store is in a business district with several other stores in the area.) She replied yes and went on about how sweet the animal was.
I could tell that she was emotionally attached to the wild animal but I highly encouraged her to stop feeding it. I could tell that she was getting upset with me so I had to elaborate in to why I'm addressing it with her in the first place. I told her that she is doing more harm to the animal than good because now it's depending on you for a food source so it's probably losing it's hunting and survival skills. Secondly, she's putting the public in danger by feeding this animal in a public parking lot where people of all shapes and sizes come to shop. I asked her what would happen one day if the animal had not been fed in a few days and it just happen to see a small child with some food in the area and decided to try and take the food from the child? She made the comment that I was going to extremes with my scenario. I told her that I didn't think it was far fetched at all and I would bet money that the owner of the store would probably side with me on the issue. I tried being as polite, delicate and tactful as I could but she wasn't taking the hint. She told me that she was bringing food from her own house to feed it with and feeding it on her breaks. Sadly, it came down to me threatening to get a Wildlife officer and the store owner involved. I don't know if it was the thought of the store owner getting involved or possibly being charged by Wildlife officials but nevertheless, she stopped feeding the animal and it eventually moved on. Coyote's are considered a nuisance in my area and people regularly hunt them. They've been known for killing small to medium sized pets. I've never had any crossings with one but I felt like I had a responsibility to protect the public by putting a stop to what was going on.
I love Fred and William, they're too cute!
It is for these exact reasons that I normally don't intervene. I have mentally struggled with this, but then I reasoned that I buy and put bird-seed out for other how is this any different?
I completely agree about not leaving food out for or feeding coyotes, bears or cougars. That is just inviting trouble. We have a large coyote population and they are wild pack creatures who hunt with intelligence in groups. Absolutely, they should not be encouraged to come to congregate in populated areas. No good ever comes from this. Ever. (Sorry it took me 4 days to respond to this, fantastic comment.) ;)
Great Picture!
I would have caved in as well probably.
I bet they were happy as well. Thanks for sharing and steem on :)
Thank you very much...I really beat myself up over this decision but it's been so cold and I'd like to see them survive. ;)
You take much better pictures than I can, Rebecca. Just ask Danny, he will back that up with some interesting stories.
You're much stronger than I am also, I would be naming all of the little animals around...feeding them also :) Well, certain ones anyway. I know you're not supposed to but sometimes it's just so dang hard to see something and not help it a little.
What can I say, I'm bad to name just about anything. I named our wood stove "Freddy." I also name every car that I get. I know, I'm sad lol.
I can so relate to wanting to make everything in your life familiar and comfortable. I generally like all my ducks in a row. LOL! (Yeah, a huge dollop of OCD is a factor in my world.)
You take great pictures...don't sell yourself short @carolina-girl.
I used a regular digital camera with zoom for this picture. With my cell phone I wouldn't have been able to capture it because I had to take the photo from a good distance away so that I wouldn't scare the swans away.
Glad you showed a bit of compassion for Fred and William. I would have done the same. I love swans. There is just something about them that gives me happiness.
They are very beautiful, majestic creatures @cecicastor.
Thank you for your reassurance.
The whole decision around intervening or not does weigh heavy on my mind.
Me too. But sometimes you just have to follow your heart!
Fred and William
A little odd for a mating couple of swans. Ha
But, I will take it at face value.
If you said it. I have to believe it is true.
Compassionate is who you are. No harm or foul thought.
So I will set you free and clear.
Now. Do you feel better? lol
Yes, I think I do. Thank you for easing my mind.
Nothing like confessing your lack of will power to back-up your convictions on the blockchain. (I'm being highly sarcastic) ;)
Fred and William; eh? You're a bit north of the Swan*E River. My question is that: "Didn't you have access to small fish?"
I do not feed wildlife either, except their natural diet. Swans are a good deal more picky than geese or ducks.
Hi @aedroberts!
Thanks for commenting. Great to talk with you.
Yes there are all kinds of small fish and aquatic life. The problem is the ice.
Awe! Poor Fred and William worked so hard only to have their egg disappear into the river. Maybe this year with your help you will see a young bird hatched by them. Your picture reveals that the cold hasn’t affected your spirit. Don’t know how you manage the cold for so long. Be well. 🐓🐓
Thanks for taking a look and commenting @mother2chicks! Yes, I am looking forward to finally being able to observe their signets.
It's been brutally cold this year and it's wearing us all down...3 more months to go. LOL!
Beautiful Picture... I like it
I took this in Bruges - Belgium
That's a gorgeous picture @galicki!
Thank you for the beautiful picture of a Mute Swan.
Great view ♥♥

Thank you @venox. Swans bond and mate for life, so this photo is accurate. ;)
That's so perfect love how the heart shape is there great photography