Fruit for Thought

in #nature8 years ago

*My Imagination Attracts All Cooperative Relationships *
You have the power to evoke from others the relationships that you desire. But you connot get to a new-and-improved situation by giving your attention to the current situation. The Universe, and all the physical and Non-physical players in it, are responding to the Vibrations that you are offering; and there is no distinction made between that Vibrations that you offer as you observe, and the Vibartion that you offer as you imagine...if you will simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all cooperative components that are summoned will cooperate. Its Law. The experience that you have with others is about what you evoke from them :)




Imagine a #whiteutopia . See below.
Steemit,if it succeeds, will want to centralize its self. It's set up t fail and have something powerful to come and rescue it.
If steemit is anything like twitter Germans won't be reading this .
This is how insane and lame Streemit is. A Post gets 25 votes and is labeled hidden for low ratings. People will catch on sooner or later that this place is only to make the rich richer.A bullshit popularity contest of fakes and frauds.

Never Trust a Jew. It' s that simple.
End the Welfare state for the (((chosen))) .Utopian dreams and the terrible certainty.
We need blockchains of white communities to trade amongst themselves free of (((centralization))) We need community farming,volunteer firemen, an eugenics program equipped with a force to weed out the unfit for civilization. Homeschooling with life skills and upteaching rather than dumbingdown.
Liberty is for suckers. Liberty is great but truly need to be free:
end #whiteslavery
All the enemies of the #whiterace will come out in fullforce to downvote this post. However I will keep adding to it one way or the other.