Incredible beauty

in #nature6 years ago

Keindahan Yang Luar Biasa

I was amazed to see the sky. Amazed by the beautiful and bright blue. I was also amazed to see clouds hanging from the sky. Amazed by all the heavenly phenomena that God created. And of all the things that the sky offers, twilight is the most beautiful thing. Dusk comes with people who are tired all day long. The evening sun is soothing. Accompany the sun to other continents to share its benefits.

Saya kagum melihat langit. Kagum karena birunya yang indah dan cerah. Saya juga kagum melihat awan-awan bergelantungan menghiasi langit. Kagum atas semua fenomena langit yang Tuhan ciptakan. Dan dari semua hal yang dipersembahkan oleh langit, senja adalah hal terindah. Senja datang menemani orang-orang yang lelah seharian beraktivitas. Hawa senja menyejukkan. Mengiringi matahari pergi ke benua lainnya untuk membagikan manfaatnya.

I like to watch the moments of how the sky changes the color of the blue to be rich in colors, such as red and golden yellow, because the exposure of the sunlight is getting weaker, it is caused by the sunset.

Saya suka menyaksikan momen-momen bagaimana langit merubah warna birunya menjadi kaya akan warna, seperti warna merah dan kuning keemasan, karena pancaran sinar matahari yang semakin lama semakin melemah, itu di sebabkan oleh matahari terbenam.

How, beautiful is not..? Here is my story today..! How about your story..?

Bagaimana, indah bukan..? Inilah ceritaku hari ini..! Bagaimana dengan ceritamu..?

By @paparey


What a beauty!!

Thank you for your attention

Good post.
Salam kenal @khaidir1990.saling bntu kwan

Terimakasih atas perhatian Anda teman. Salam kenal kembali.

Good post.
Salam kenal @khaidir1990.saling bntu kwan

Perfect. Those are the matching words for your post. Keep working. Hope you succeed in the future.

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