I have here 10 amazing facts I guess you never knew check them out

Guess what I have 10 amazing facts I guess you never knew, check them out

The most venomous known creature on earth is the cone snail, it's venum is more than ten times more potent than that of the king cobra
The dog with the best sense of smell known is the Blood hound as opposed to the general idea that the German Shephard has the best sense of smell.
The human brain has no pain receptors so cannot feel pain.
Between a man and a woman a man determines the sex of the child.
If a nuclear bomb was to explode just a feet from you in space, you won't hear a sound.
A diamond planet has been discovered, so for those of you thinking of going to the moon I think it is time to change course.
A tea spoon of matter from a black hole would weigh several tons.
With the right adrenaline boost and at the right time a man could lift a car.
1kg of uranium can produce energy equal to that produced by 1,000,000 kg of coal.
The Grey hound dog is the fastest known dog it could run as fast as 75 km/h.
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