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RE: A few ways everyone can fight Climate Change

in #nature8 years ago

These are some great ways to limit your negative impact on human survivability on the planet for sure! (It's important to remember that the Earth will be fine no matter what we do, these issues only affect humans and other smaller life in the long-run)

Some things that I would add:

  • Stop paying taxes (federal at the very least)! - The US government's war machine is one of the biggest polluters there is, not to mention all the genocide and destruction of history, seed banks, etc.
  • Stop eating animal products & by-products - From the huge amounts of methane gas created by cows (a much larger factor in global warming than carbon [and remember, plants NEED CO2, it's what they breathe]), to the HUGE amounts of forest & jungle torn down for cattle farms and crops for "feed", to the thousands of trucks at any given time shipping these animals and their corpses to slaughterhouses, restaurants, etc., humans eating animals is one of the worst impacts they have on the planet (not to mention their own bodies, minds, and energetic/karmic realities)

These are all just ways that each human can take responsibility for their own actions and stop poisoning themself and all other life on the planet. "Climate Change" itself is simply a fear-based propaganda tactic to convince people to give more power to the UN and governments in general. The term was chosen after "global warming (90s-00s)" and "global cooling (70s-80s)" both proved to not hold up, as things are hotter or colder depending on cycles, they decided to just pick a term that is ALWAYS true. The Earth's climate is ALWAYS changing, because it is a living organism. It's a very effective, yet totally fallacious way to win an argument, you just change the terms so that you can't be wrong. I'd highly recommend looking into "Agenda 21", what Al Gore has to gain financial from carbon taxes/offsets, "Climategate", etc.

Here's a couple of places to start looking for the truth:


Thank you for the thought out and detailed comment @kennyskitchen!

Reading recommendations are always welcomed, and new topics are deeply appreciated! I hadn't thought about Al Gore's motivations before, and well I should!! I wasn't aware of agenda 21, and I'm grateful that you took the time to link me some information :)

You are spot on, taxes and US currency in general are something I choose not to support in every way possible! I'm glad to hear that we share the same thoughts on the meat industry, among other things! My interactions on Steemit fill me with hope for the future :)