Wide-Eyed and Syrup-y (ANGLES AND )
Wide-eyed and syrup-y,
the cultists praise their leader.
But I don't see things in black and white
And color's not something you can really explain, to someone who don't see it.
But I do see things in absolutes. And that's something they just can't handle.
It's fun though, to play games with you, like a cat, gently tossing a mouse around.
"There are no absolutes, Graham."
"Are you absolutely sure?"
Dead silence and a smile.
Aristotle has his revenge as I sip my coffee and look at the world half-cocked, skewed, and rocked, yet infinitely sound, square, solid, and interesting...
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)
Authenticity BOT!
Great job! We found more similar posts, but your post is the 1st one posted.
Expertly chosen words as usual @kafkanarchy I both concur and really appreciate where you're coming from.
Thanks man. That means a lot to me.
Nice expression Kafka. Specially, liked the last few lines of it.
Thank you, @momi5.
Absolutely correct... ;)

beautifully written and soo good
Beautifully written and well articulated piece.
Great post nice motivation I like it and I enjoying you post . Keep it up
This place is fantastic and I really want to appriciate those who built this.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of art.
good writing of yours, my friend