Be a Gorilla.

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

In the 80's and 90's they hooked up a bunch of monkeys brains to computers and monitored what neurons fire when they perform different actions. Here's how that applies to you.


This a selfie. Proof of what this is all about.

The monkeys were asked to find food. They would search and then pick it up. During these experiments they stumbled upon a discovery. They found mirror neurons.

These neurons are copy cat neurons. They found when a human in the room picked up food, the monkeys neurons that usually fired when it picked up food, fired. And so mirror neurons were discovered. Monkey see. Monkey do.

Research has continued since. Humans have undergone experiments and they found we have them too. No shit. Look at the decades, things like fashion trends, the way babies develop and even things like anxiety and fitting in. Copying is in human nature.

These neurons also explain empathy. Too an extent if you see your friend eating something. Sure part of you is jealous but somewhere in your brain you are experiencing those sweet sweet treats as well.

So since this is the Millennial Monologue the takeaway is. Ignore those neurones. We are special little snowflakes and we don’t need to fit in. Stand out. Be different. Set trends for the chimps to follow. Do what you believe. Do it your way.
Make your own mistakes. You don’t have to always listen to those considered wiser. You can ignore tradition. Sometimes it will come back to bite you. However on those rare occasions when ignoring pays off, the pay off so much better.

My high school science teacher taught me this when he seen me being an idiot with my friends. Between 2015 and 2016 my confidence got knocked and I was becoming a chimp. But a few months ago I bumped into that teacher and he stopped and asked me what I’ve been up to. I explained and he said I had forgotten how to be a gorilla. He told me to become one again. My confidence has since been back on the up again and this last year I have been attempting things I never would have back then. I aim for 2018 to be even better.

Gorilla warfare means being unpredictable. Chimps don’t make it out alive. Be a Gorilla, not a chimp.


For those who know me or for the random people who stop me in Manchester and ask why I have a big furry Gorilla bag, this is why...

Also I'm an attention seeker.

Follow me on Twitter @ Jackopalypse

Did your teachers ever share any nuggets of wisdom with you?