Take Care of your Lawns and Gardens

in #nature8 years ago

If you are a plants lover and love to keep your surroundings green then a perfect, neat and tidy garden must be one of your most prized possessions. People who love gardening feel pride in showing off their well maintained and trimmed lawns and beds and plants and whatever possibly they could accumulate in their backyard. Now rest aside a gardener even a commoner knows that plants need a good quantity of water at the right time to keep them healthy, green and lively. For this purpose people go great deals and spend a lot of money to ensure that the plants get their necessary hydration. The mistake that they often make in doing so is that they forget that water on the other hand too is a major resource, one that faces the threat of finishing if wasted brutally. We’re not saying that don’t water your plants, but just do so in an efficient manner.
You start by doing some research. This may sound like undue labor to you but believe me that it actually works and you’ll end up paying a role in saving Mother Earth’s precious water that actually keeps us going. So by research we mean the study of your plants, the grass and the atmosphere of your area. By doing so what you’re actually calculating is that how much water your lawn actually needs. This depends on a number of factors which is collectively called evapotranspiration rate in a scientific term. This factor varies depending on your region, the soil under your grass and the seasonal variation.
You need to time your watering too. Depending on your region it changes. Humid regions require the plants to be watered in between 10 pm and 6 am. In sunny areas you should get to your lawn in the early morning before sunrise. In cooler areas, water your plants before 10 am or after 6 pm.
If you are using sprinklers, you should apply almost ½ inch of water to your lawn. If it’s difficult to measure it just like that, you should place empty tuna cans and when its half inch filled your watering is complete.
You should also be careful of how often does your lawn need watering. Some people go as far as watering the lawns twice in a day. To them I’d say hold your horses. It does not work like that in the case of plants. Too much water too can harm your plants. For some cases even watering daily is not necessary. The best answer to that is given to you by your own lawn. The color of the grass tells you if it’s being watered right. You can check if your grass is getting dry or not. Walk or take your lawn mower through your lawn on the grass. If the prints are still there after about 30 minutes then your grass is getting dry and needs water. Again it is very dependent where you are loving. If you live in a drought stricken desert then even tice a week is also fine as plants can live with that. You need not make them water filled vessels.
You could also recycle your water. If it’s the grass you’re watering and not some fruits or vegetables that you’ll eat then you can also use rain water or the plants and even the water from the house after uses like showers or washes. If they don’t contain some certain toxic elements then they are perfectly fine for use to water plants
Be smart while you water and you’ll not only save water but also get a good lawn.