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RE: Plastic in the Ocean: What You Can Do

in #nature9 years ago (edited)
  • Write to my congressman and ask that action be taken. Encourage bills that reduce the manufacture of plastic, encourage plastic recycling, support research into alternatives, and support the adoption of those alternatives."

ABSOLUTELY NOT! If you want to make the problem worse get the government involved. The government could screw up a wet dream. Look at the various 'wars' the government is involved in. They are government employment projects (they employee more government employees) and do NOTHING to address the problem. In fact if they did the job they were created to do they'd be out of work.

NO. no a thousand times no. Do NOT involve the government.

IF you want to do something constructive about it find a free market solution. If you could develop a USE for use for plastic bags and pay a 'bounty' for them then every redneck and homeless perseon would be collecting them to turn in for the money.

Oddly enough I've written a Science fiction book ( in which I address that very subject. You might find it interesting the way I've handled the situation.