Recovering Plastics with MINEPDED at the peak, THE GREENS (NGO) and NEPROF (NGO),

in #nature7 years ago

A report on a field work carried out by the staff of MINEPDED and interns at NITOP on plastic waste pollution on Thursday 2nd August 2018
MINEPDED at the peak, THE GREENS (NGO) and NEPROF (NGO), the interns were able to recover some plastic wastes flooding in a neighborhood of Bamenda called Nitop. These plastic wastes which are recovered will be recycled and reuse later.

Plastic wastes trap at a bridge in Nitop-Bamenda
This NITOP area is being polluted by plastic wastes and other wastes such as organic wastes, industrial wastes and house hold wastes. These wastes block the bridge preventing drainage in the area causing pollution and flooding the whole area right up to the banks of river Mezam.

Mr Nkwenti; the coordinator of NEPROF (NGO) showing the interns how plastics are being removed from the stream

Male students on internship removing plastic bottles from the streams which will be put in bags before transportation to the recycling site

Students on internship at the Regional Delegation for Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development collecting plastic papers and bottles from the stream which is one of the tributaries of River Mezam

Female students on internship putting the plastic bottles in bags before transportation to the recycling site

In the field there are several activities which students carried out. Some of these activities include;

 The identification of the different types of waste causing pollution in this area.
 Removing the plastic wastes from the water
 Sorting the plastics bottles out and putting them in bags to be taken to the recycling by an NGO known as NEPROF.
 Lastly we had we were had lectures on the different uses of plastics bottles.

Lectures from Mr Etomes Marcel; Chief of Service for Conservation, Promotion and Monitoring MINEPDED-NW

Lectures from Mr Agbor Ebai Maurice; Chief of Service for Sensitization, Information and Documentation MINEPDED-NW


This is a good initiative to be practiced so that our urban streams and rivers will be free from flooding. Let us keep our water bodies free from plastics.

Plastic drive is an important activity that we must take in to consideration to keep mother earth from pollution. Together. let us join to reuse if you cannot reduce, you avoid