Nature in Africa

in #nature3 months ago

Here are some facts about Palm wine:

  • Palm wine is an alcoholic beverage made from the sap of various species of palm trees.
  • Palm wine plays an important role in many ceremonies in many Nigerian tribes and nations, such as the Igbo and Yoruba peoples.
  • It is served to guests at weddings, birth celebrations, funerals and gatherings to observe important festivals and holidays.
  • Palm wine is often infused with medicinal herbs to remedy a variety of physical complaints.
  • Many drinking sessions begin with a small amount of palm wine spilled on the ground as a token of respect to deceased ancestors.
  • In parts of southeastern Nigeria, palm wine is known as "mmanya ocha" (literally, "white drink"), with "ngwo" and "nkwu" variants.
  • It plays a very important role in traditional Igbo settings.

