Top 3 MOST PAINFUL Insect Stings in the World

-Pain to the Brain-
You may be surprised to find out that the most painful stings come from such tiny creatures. We all know that a honeybee sting does not feel good, but what if I told you that compared to what I am about to share with you, everyday bee stings are comparable to being flicked by a toddler. There are insects who's stings can cause temporary paralysis, massive swelling, and some cause pain that lasts up to 24 hours!
In this post, I will list the top three most painful insect stings in the entire world. Along with that, I will provide a few pictures, basic info, and a video of Coyote Peterson being stung by each insect.
I will be releasing more detailed posts about each insect in my very near future write-ups. Each one lives such insane existences that I feel they all deserve their own detailed entry. However today, I will give you some teasers. Hopefully you will decide to follow me so that you will not miss the upcoming blogs.
Most Painful Insect Stings
Number one being most painful.
1)Bullet Ant
2)Warrior Wasp
3)Tarantula Hawk
1) Bullet Ant
Sting starts at - 12:50 (video below)

2) Warrior Wasp (a type of Paper Wasp)
Sting starts at - 14:20 (video below)

3) Tarantula Hawk (a type of Spider Wasp)
Sting starts at - 10:25 (video below)

Pain is No Joke
As you can tell from the videos, the pain from these stings is excruciating. Good thing none of these three insects are found in my area. I'll stick to getting tattoos for my dose of stinging pain.
If you like what you see here (even if it scared you) be sure to leave a upvote and comment your thoughts below. I would love to know if any of you live in the areas that these are found in, this includes tropical rainforests & deserts. Also be sure to stay tuned to my page for my soon to come posts focused on each one of these creatures. I will be providing many more facts and will keep it easy to understand.
Thanks for stopping by!
Geez! What the Hell?!...
Got stung by bee once, and this was enough for me
Are u okei? 😧
Wow. Very interesting. Looks painful.
I got to feel bullet ant.
I will place it top 1 :)
Oh man, I'm very curious and also very hesitant on experiencing a bullet ant's sting
That's crazy! You are a REAL MAN after experiencing that.
How long did the pain last?
Did your body go numb anywhere?
i don't honestly remember how long the pain lastet, but it was so painful i was told i fainted, buti don't recon that happening.
And yes i got stung on my hand upper wrist part, and my whole hand went numb and i had chest pain and ofc headache
That sounds extremely painful. Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope that never happens to you again.
Thank you !
Definetaly something i don't want to live trough again.
@tsnaks, I shall do what I can to ensure we never cross paths! Here was thinking the soldier ants bite was painful and I did not even pass-out and the swelling was just the immediate area. Sorry you had to experience that.
You will feel for sure. But what happens after that?
I learn new stuff everyday from steemit thanks @daltono. Imagine the bullet ant climbing up your trousers and stinging "the balls" 😱 .
That is one of the worst things I’ve ever imagined 😂😅🤣
This is a very well crafted post.
I recently watched Peterson's series on the stings and was blown away.
@steemitqa and I happen to talk about bullet ants in quite often lately.
Great job!
Thanks my dude!
Peterson is quite the interesting fellow, his emotion is quite fun to witness. Then add in the amazing creatures he features.
Yes, @daltono , me and @jonny-clearwater have been talking a lot about bullet ants and this particular show a lot so we appreciate this. Great job!
Nice! Great to see the synchronicity coming into play with this crazy subject of intentional stinging. All for the betterment/entertainment of humanity of course 🧐
This has to be the most colourful and attractive post I have seen on here! Thanks a lot for this information too, it is so well presented, AWESOME! Over the years, the kids at school often asked me this question. Now, I can let them know.
Namaste :)
Thanks my brother. I am very passionate about design and aesthetics. Plus I like to make my blogs very easy to navigate.
I am glad you enjoy what I have provided. I want to thank you equally for interacting in my comments and upvoting.
This absolutely killer content! I couldn't stop watching! Did you ever hear about Tim Friede? He is the guy who gets bit intentionally by venomous snakes such as the black mamba? This reminds me of that because I couldn't stop thinking about it for years after I saw it. The crazy thing I found out is that the more we are exposed to allergens the more our body becomes immune. It's no comparison but I used to be severely allergic to cats. I tried exposure therapy and it actually worked! Like I said no comparison. Just wanted to say again that this is amazing content!
Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoy.
No I have not heard of Tim Friede, he sounds like a tots bad ass.
It do know that our immunity is generally built up through consistent exposure. I grew up around cats and dogs and was always fine. I moved away, now when I am at home with cats and dogs I am highly allergic to them. My eyes/nose always itch, and certain kinds of dogs even make my face swell up. So I guess we lose the built up immunity whenever we are no longer exposed to that environment for a certain amount of time and decide to return.
And again, thank you for leaving such a detailed comment. I love it!
Goodness "some pretty crazy things" no seem like a suicide mission. I could not watch the video stopped with the leeches. I fully
I agree that I would not put myself in these situations.
If it weren’t for Mr. Peterson’s bravery/stupidity, then we wouldn’t know EXACTLY what happens.
Why do we need to know? It's like taking poison to know what it feels like. What point does it really serve?