He's a RESCUER and on IH 10 heading towards Houston!

in #nature8 years ago (edited)

There was no changing his mind! He loaded up the back of his BIG FORD truck and headed out towards Houston. He's going to be looking for a location to donate his time, goods and talents to the rescue efforts.

Now that my fear has eased

I'm overwhelmed with pride for this guy. He has never been afraid to jump in where needed. Here's a couple of quick stories:

The Burning House

When my son was about 17 he was a lifeguard on the stand at a local pool. He looked across the field to see a house on fire. After checking with the other lifeguard to make sure the pool was safe he jumped the fence to run across the field. Once there he ran into the house to get people out. The people downstairs didn't even know their upper floor was burning! He didn't leave the scene until all people and animals were accounted for.

Horses Running Wild

During a trip to the beach my son was observing some tourists on horseback. This was a pack of rented horses. The riders were inexperienced. They had just paid for the experience of riding horses on the beach. Just then a 4-wheeler came racing by revving up the engine and spooked the horses. They tore off down the beach with scared riders. My son snapped into action. One a dune buggy he rode up beside the horses and jumped on. Two horses were running together. He wrapped an arm around both necks and used his feet to start slowing them down.

The Broke Down Vehicle

This story applies to many scenarios. On multiple occasions my son has stopped in adverse weather to help people get their car running or to get the people to safety. In once case there was an elderly lady in the squelching heat of Florida stranded with no help, no phone, no water... Not only did my son get her to safety he ended up taking the lady's pregnant daughter to the hospital since they had no ride!

If it sounds a bit like I'm bragging... I am. I love this kid and his amazing heart to help others!

Today I'm at work, but I have several browser tabs open with flood and rescue maps so I can send info to my son as needed. I cannot be there, but I still want to contribute even if it means just sitting at this computer being eyes and ears for him.

If you feel like you'd like my son, Brody, with funds to cover the cost of gas and supplies, You can donate to my paypal using this email - daddykirbs [at] yahoo [dot] com . I will be sure to get all of those funds (plus lots more from me) to him to encourage him to keep up the good work.

UPDATE - 3:45pm Central: The Cajun Navy on Zello has routed my son to a rally point at the Deweyville High School. This is where he'll meetup with a team to get to work.


WOW! I had no idea this kind of response was possible! I will be sending the full amount of this posts earnings to my son for his efforts and supplies! I'm hoping too that he'll send me reports and pictures of the efforts to update me... so I can update you :) Thank you for the kind response and support!

I resteemed! I love it when people come to the aid of others. I graduated high school in West Texas and spent a summer in East Texas. I love these people and wish I could get up and go help. I'm the only provider in my family, so I have to help in my way. God bless your son!

we should get flood victims on steemit so they can accept micro donations impossible to send with bitcoin ad it $5 transaction fee

we should also tekll flood victioms who get insurance money to invest t all in crypto instead or rebuilding right away and then they will become soooo wealthy the flood will become a blessing in disguise!!

Nice work, god blesses you to

My cousin is down that way with there family boat ⛵ helping float people to safe ground.
I'm glad that the steemit community is helping people find safety and a small token of normality as a bottle of water go leaps and bounds for people who have been in a really bad spot. 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆

short time you got lot of vote. Seeing your post's vote, you're a good and smart writer.
Thank you. For your great writing and for sharing

Glad to see the good in humanity once in awhile. Good luck to him and all the others he is helping!

Very beautiful prism are happy for this human service

Pray for the people in Houston!
It´s hard to lost family and house...

This is exactly why SteemIt can be the most powerful social media outlet. If we can help people just by "upvoting," we can become a giant for good in the world!

I think your son may be a super hero. Tell him he'll always have work here on Steemit lol.

Nice story you have post ,
I liked to read this.

I'm always sure that there are marvelous people like these, millions! Hope the efforts done reach all who needs them... I have full confidence they'll do! Thanks for showing how love really works.

so kind of you, i like this sharing.... hope to see your next post.... thanks