Remembering spring can't wait till its here

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

I miss my flowers and my birds so much , in the spring I have flowers on my front and back porch and in my garden and in every room of the house, can't wait till spring to play in the dirt again! Here are a couple pictures of what I see from my recliner , pictures from last spring. Look at my hummingbird flying getting some nectar!6B6359DE-4782-4886-B70A-0C9D0F5F144A.jpeg
All spring summer and fall I enjoy my birds so muchC97E17F9-9AAA-4D99-9770-FA57A8B753D4.jpeg
And oh the beautiful blooms in the trees!FB6A1070-5251-4313-B88E-F9C07B6FA92D.jpeg
Hope you enjoyed my pictures have a beautiful weekend


Oh Spring! I miss green! I miss it all!

There is nothing like the nature in Spring. It creates such a beautiful scenery all around us. You have some nice view from your recliner. :)

Thank you for sharing it with us. :)

Thank you so much 😊 I don't hardly get out so I rely on this beauty to keep me happy I never tire of it, thank you for dropping by!

You are more than welcome. Thank you for sharing. :)

If you don't mind me asking why don't you get out more? Feel free not to answer. It just made me think why?

Have an amazing day. :)

I'm in a wheelchair the power ones that weigh alot and I need a truck to put my wheelchair on a hinge and platform for the back so till I get my truck I can only go where they have wheelchairs like WalMart or the grocery stores, sometimes my boyfriend takes me out to ride along the mountains and he stops so I can take pictures, that's my passion is taking pictures. I'll keep on hoping I can have a truck by the summer the thing I want the most is to go to the park, your so sweet I followed you because I read your post and I loved it!

I am sorry to hear that, but let me tell you why I find this very inspiring to read. It is because with all the "problems" you have in your life it is so inspiring to see you find happiness and joy in little things such as view outside your recliner.

Let me share one of my original quotes with you. :)

"It is never about the cards life has dealt for us, but rather what we do with those cards."

And you, my new friend, are making the best out of the "cards" you been dealt. Love it. :)

Thank you so much 😊 I love your quote because I love by it, I never ask why when something bad happens I just deal with it in the best way I can and move on, I don't like negativity and bad moods its not worth it, no matter what life can be beautiful and thank you for your wonderful words😊

I can see you do live by it. :)

That is why I had to squeeze it in there. Love your thinking about life. Keep enjoying it, and keep smiling. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

I am so glad to see two of my good friends getting acquainted on Steemit!💯

Well, my amazing, friend, Nina I loved her post and then I loved it, even more, when I found how inspirational she is. I believe so many people today even me about 2 years ago was taking so many things in my life for granted.

I wanted this and that and forget to look around and appreciate things I already have in my life. Just like she noticed a hummingbird and beautiful nature in the spring.

Those "little things" are all around, but you have to stop living in the past or the future, and live in NOW in order to see them. :)

I I'm glad to! He's so positive and funny and I love how he writes his stories!! Kisses to you my sweet friend❤️😍

Have a beautiful day 😊

Qué tengas un Muy buen Fin de semana!!

Tu también Mau abrazos❤️

Noooo! I'll be 30 in this Spring... I like the twenties so much!

I can’t wait for the Spring and Summer to come back. Winter sucks!! Thank you for made my day! Ceci un abrazo de oso!!!🌸💗🌺

Hello my beautiful friend ! What wonderful blooms in the tree ! =))

Hi Luigi! You want to go have a picnic beneath that tree?😊😊

oh yes ...pretend we are having a picnic on this lovely place ! =))

This is very beautiful my friend Up&Resteem

Hi Ceci! I can't wait for spring either! It will be here before you know it:) It's the best when all the flowers are in bloom!

The last one splendid ;)

Outstanding shot you take