Sweat Bees: The New Super Mosquitos

in #nature9 years ago

Upon arriving in Pennsylvania I was immediately warned and warned about the current heat wave. Lol. Big deal I thought, "I live in Georgia. Heat? So what." I made sure to ask everyone if they believed in climate change yet as I noticed it was pretty hot (roughly the same as Georgia, but not unbearable). It was nice to hear that most finally agreed. I 

Another day or so went by before I really went out and did anything as I needed some rest. I also received some warnings about 'bugs' which I laughed at. Nothing is worse than the mosquitos of Georgia. WRONG. After making my very first stop along a farm road to check an axel seal I heard what sounded like 1,000 miniature helicopters ascending to my truck windows. Bees!? Wait... Just Sweat Bees.. A little better I guess.

But I had never in my life seen more than like 5 Sweat Bees together, yet here were close to a thousand of these ferocious monsters swarming me. 

The exceptionally warm summer had allowed them to thrive and multiply like cock roaches. I had finally had a first hand negative experience due to climate change. EVERYWHERE I went or stopped the same thing happened. They were far worse than mosquitos  and so aggressive and fast. Bugspray of all types did nothing. After this weird experience I couldn't help but reflect on the bufferfly effect theory. I thought, "my God, if this is the butterfly flapping it's wings what will the hurricane be like!?"