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RE: Shrooming sunday can get a bit tense. :D But my father says: are you going searching or picking? You have your Sunday searchers. Older gents and ladies who stroll near the road, their hands on the back and almost empty basket. I guess they go for the scenic and passive view.
And then you have the pickers. They don't stroll or search. They know their way around and know the locations. I did 4h of walking today, uphill, downhill, through the shrubs and thorns, etc. Judging by the sweat stream down my back I would say I got a good exercise and there was nothing passive about it. :D
I am the same...I know maybe 5 types of edible shrooms and how to use them, but as said...I don't care much for them. I like to pick them, not eat them.
haha I think you like the competition!