Harvest @ home: Jamaica tea/ Cosecha de Té de Jamaica en casa!

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

I would like to share some pics and info of this little plant that is growing in my garden.
I love this plant because:

  1. It looks like a little rose
  2. You can drink it
  3. Its healthy or they say so

If you are curious about how you prepare this , well its very simple here im gonna tell you step by step:

  1. Grab some petals and expose them into the sun so they can dry
  2. leave the petals from 4 to 7 days drying
  3. Boild some water and put petals on it (for about 15min)
  4. Strain the petals and its ready!
    Pd: you can drink it hot or cold (its better cold)
    Pd: you can add some sugar ;)
    And that's how we prepare it at Home.

Im curious about it's healthy benefits because people even doctors say this plant has many, some of them are:
• Hypertension
•Weight loss (women likes this)

What other benefits do you know about this plant?
Consuming a lot of this is bad for health?


Acá les comparto unas fotitos e informacion de una plantita que cultivamos en casa!
Me encanta esta planta porque:

  1. Luce como una rosita
  2. La puedes consumir (tomada)
  3. Es saludable (o eso dicen)

Les dare la receta de como la preparamos aca en casa, es muy simple, les dire paso a paso.
•Toma muchos petalos ya maduros y exponlos al sol (aproximadamente 4-7dia) hasta que se sequen.
•Toma los petalos secos y ponlos a hervir en agua por 15min aproximadamente.
•Cola el agua con petalos y listo!
Pd: puedes tomarlo frio o caliente (preferiblemente frio)
Pd2: puedes agregarle azucar a tu gusto;)

Me da curiosidad porque dicen que tiene muchos beneficios como por ejemplo:
•Ayuda a bajar la presión arterial
•Ayuda en la digestion
•Es antidepresivo/ansiolitico
•Ayuda a bajar de peso (a las mujeres nos gusta esto)

Se me vienen unas interrogantes con todo esto..
Conoces otros beneficios de esta planta?
Es malo consumirla en exceso?
