Wood, Wine, Cheesecake & Faces in the Glass...
Hola Fellow Steemians! Today in the Alpujarras... my morning started with faces appearing in the glass of the wood burning stove… you may think that’s strange, but to me it’s “Oh hello! Thanks for popping in!” and a wave of energy and love moves through me… Maybe they came through because I was preparing for a fully incorporated channelling for a client … and even more wuwu is that two white doves had come from nowhere and sat on my client's city window sill about an hour before the start time… which is when I had begun my preparations… but whatever your beliefs… there was definitely something wonderful in the air this morning! If the mystical, weird and wonderful isn’t your thing, then that’s ok… there’s wood, wine, cheesecake and video conferencing to follow…

But first of all… cue a breath of… relief…. and… gratitude… and breathe again… and celebrate the gift of generous hearted friends…. breathe again… THANK YOU!
My ongoing saga of getting through huge amounts of wood… almost running out… topping up with bags from the big BP garage at their extortionate rate but friendly service… promising myself that I’ll drive down to Tijola to Paco the wood and straw man… but then not making it because Spain closes down for Siesta and often doesn’t surface again and most of my online work takes place in the mornings… and then another day has passed and I’m still scrabbling for wood … is finally over. Huge thanks to the hero named Bernard from the Orgiva Tea Gardens! Our old neighbours and friends came to the rescue and this morning a massive delivery of wood arrived down our track in the back of their Landrover.
B and I got an easy system going of filling bags to transfer all the logs down into our wood pile in the porch… and I gave up trying to make it pretty, although my mild OCD was desperate to at least organise it into small, medium and large… but there was no messing with the unloading, so no time for faffing at my receiving end either!
I can’t tell you the relief I felt at having a good stash of wood… and I now declare to the world that I will not let the stocks run so low again … and that it was oh so great to have some manpower assistance with the heavy lifting! Sir Maxelot enjoyed investigating the wood and I'm pretty sure he thought the pile looked a mess too... 😉

No sooner had B reversed back out of our track, than it was my turn to head off… into the healing bliss of a girls lunch. What can I say… girls… great food… great company… the biggest piece of cheesecake I’ve ever seen and eaten… and the power of friendship. Sharing the realities of life here… understanding that yes… wood in the winter can take over your life… residency comparison stories… exchanges of contacts… accountants… sharing of ideas… celebrations of work… Brexit reality checks and OMG, thank God I’ve gone down the residency route… a lovely not so wee glass of vino… listening… understanding… getting it… supporting… laughing… sitting out on the terrace… warm sun… strong coffee…. and hey presto… 2 hours just disappeared…. and I’m feeling grand. If you live in the area... Venta Maria is the place to go!

I had to leg it home though because I had an online meeting with Jack at Zoom (video conferencing) on how to upgrade my Pro account as the Peace of Heart online channelling event I’m co-hosting… is needing more than the 100 places my account offers. I was expecting an overly enthusiastic, fake friendly, hard selling American… but instead was greeted by a very chilled out youngster in the UK who answered everything, made some good suggestions for our event and didn’t make me feel a numpty for not having figured out that the add on option was under the Billing menu. Doh.
And breathe again…
And while the sun was still out, Sir Maxelot dragged me round the land and trotted and jogged me up the track at a pace that had me huffing and puffing and holding my boobs down… I’m going to have to extend his lead again because he sure is thriving and picking up the pace on his walks!
And finally, I made it to the sofa… where social media again, hasn’t had the attention I promised I would give it.
And breathe… all in Divine time.
It’s almost 9pm… and I’m going to bed.
If there's one thing I'm learning about living off-grid on my own while my partner's away working... it's that I'm loving the quiet and emotional space... but damn, it takes a lot of time to keep the home basics going!
Hasta Mañana 😎

You're doing really well Sally. Glad you got a good supply of wood in, it's so necessary with how chilly it is in the hills at the moment! Spring is just around the corner, promise :)
Aw... thanks @gardeningchef... been a tough couple of weeks emotionally and practically! The wind is crazy here tonight too! Hope you're doing well and great to see you here! Big hugs 😘
Lovely greyhound... oh, I want to have one
Sir Maxelot is special! Greyhounds are amazing dogs... so easy to look after and so loving! I'm sure one will find it's way to you when the time is right :D xx
Sure! I’ve just need to convince my wife 😂
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