When Life Throws you a Lifeline Disguised as a Curve Ball...
Hola fellow Steemians! Well, I've always said, "Never say never," and it couldn't be more true than in this moment. If you've been following my Namaste This adventure as my partner and I left a conventional life in Scotland and headed into the sunset of off-grid living in Southern Spain... you'll know it's not been an easy ride.
As a healer and intuitive I have always trusted in the flow of life and felt totally guided and supported by the Universe... but it's not been so easy for my partner who comes from a corporate background and where proof, plans, projections and all the stuff that I don't understand, is the only 'reality' to be relied upon.
Well... the short story is that this last year of being in the flow and going off-grid has pushed us to the limits. Limits of trust. Pushed us beyond financial limits and into debt. And battered and almost broken what we thought was a solid relationship of soul mates coming together.
We found ourselves at a point of seriously wondering about our future together... what the hell had we done... and what the hell were we going to do. One of the options was for my partner to go back to work because it was increasingly obvious that my irregular income (while it had kept us afloat) would not be able to sustain us and get us out of the debt that bringing water onto our land had created.... or support the purchase of a newer car that could be relied upon. I can feel my stress levels rising just writing about it.

It's hugely difficult, when one of you thinks you have the dream life and all is ok and going to be ok... and then the other... doesn't. I see us as being hugely blessed and at every step the Universe has brought us enough to keep going... even though it has been hugely challenging at times.... and while my partner has managed to see this in the bigger picture, the everyday reality of the humungous saga over the reality of establishing running water, the failure and stress of replacing our car's gearbox.... and the spiralling costs to even keep it on the road... couriers not delivering... quotes that double... the Spanish mañana mentality... bureaucracy that is incomprehensible... language barriers... scary flash floods... and God knows what else, has all taken its toll.
Last week, we hit rock bottom and there was an acknowledgement that my partner needed to go back to work, and not just for financial reasons. We both needed space.
And this is when the Universe sent us its curve ball and lifeline.
He's been offered 3-5 month contract in the Middle East... starting... next week.
Yup... next week. And I am due to return to the UK for my mother's birthday and to share my Channelling Love healing circles in Dundee and Peebles... on Wednesday. So this means, we have tomorrow together before I leave and then he leaves, just as I'm arriving back... except we don't even cross over at the airport.
My heart had admittedly leapt with relief at the thought of money coming in... but then the reality began to sink in. He could be away for up to 5 months... with no leave. Weekends may be a possibility further down the line, but the cost of that would negate taking the position in the first place.
After me saying that I needed space and time alone... I've now received it... in abundance.
After us both saying that we desperately needed financial input... we'll now receive it.
After me not even being sure about my feelings... I can now say hand on heart, that this shock has reminded me of the power of my love.
Our life has been turned upside down, but also turned around... and we've been offered a lifeline. And we're grabbing it with the hugest gratitude and seeing it for what it is.
And today, when the tears surfaced at the thought of being left alone on the side of the mountain, with our beloved but unsociable dog, I walked along our track and focused on the positive aspects of this amazing gift we've been offered and the abundance of blessings for living where we live... and how the Universe HAS provided for us at every single turn.
I hope you enjoy these photos... taken this afternoon as I wandered, mused, pondered, allowed feelings to surface and found peace in my heart.
Everything is going to be ok. We are going to be ok. Love is all around.
Sally xx

I hope it all works out for the best Sally xx
Space can be tough but man when ya need it ya need it! Good for you guys for knowing when to take it.
And for finding abundance and gratitude in what could easily be seen totally differently. It makes a huge difference in life! As you know!
Really nice post, I enjoy hearing about your journey, as you really dig in to the deeper sides of life.
Xx ToL
Thank you @treeoflife... I really appreciate your understanding. I'm finding it very therapeutic to blog and share on Steemit... it also gives me that prod to see the good on a tough day! Life is such a roller coaster ride... and I hope that being open and honest, it inspires others to not be afraid to dive deep and share what feels comfortable. Here's to the magic that awaits us all! 🤗
Same here, therapeutic and just like, a nice release. And even better, it's a release that often inspires discourse and insight which is awesome too. Have a great night!
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Ohh really. Well I hope everything turns out good. Tomorrow I'll catchup on your blog. Good that he has work. But up to 5 months ohhh.