Get to the root chakra of the problem...

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

“Every blade of grass has its angel who bends over it and whispers, “Grow, grow.” -The Talmud

First Chakra- Muladhara (Mula- Adhara-)

The Root Chakra is one of the few lower and pretty much our base chakra and lies in the hu-man region and where the chakras start their magic... these few make up the foundation of our being and identity. The root Chakra itself is the one that is associated with our animal instincts and the rawness of survival and preservation. These are the basics; food, shelter, health, and security... don’t get me wrong though these days it’s shopping and internet as well as all that come with it too.. it’s physically Located at the base of the spine, it connects us to the earth and our sense of belonging to it... when we disconnect from that we are in pain... it is the principle of gravity in that it connects us to our bodies and to the physical world around us as well as the ground below. It is similar to the idea that like a rock, with it we sit self sufficient unto ourselves if we can and are willing... of course.

When you have a balanced root chakra you will show these characteristics:

a sense of safety
feeling of belonging and connection to others
you are able to trust others and accept life on life’s terms
you feel at home in your body and like you belong on earth
you have a sense of fulfillment or a knowing “it will be ok”

When the root Chakra is Unbalanced these may appear:

Emotional/Mental issues: fear, anxiety, crippling vulnerability, worry, depression, grief, disconnection, distrust, lo-self-esteem. This may lead to additional scarcity effects of greed and self-centeredness.

Physical issues- lower back pain (huge) sciatica, obesity, anorexia, constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and prostate problems

So what to do? To help this shit... I can say shit when dealing with root chakra... lol 😂

For one breath
Like really breath
Try a yogic breath... that you breath into your 3 fingers below your bellybutton and then fill it, then fill your lungs... (not before... if you did that start over) then... after lungs are full... full your clavicle area... those lungs... and when you release, you do it backwards... start with the clavicle and go to lungs till you get down to the 3 fingers below bellybutton... THAT is a yogic breath.... I learned from a yogi and live it well... 💕

Also you can do yoga... all kinds.. but there are many root chakra asanas... anything grounding, seated or held for strength... is good... I personally use mantras and chant them loudly (while alone) where I need to snap out of it... and there is the “ego eradicator” which is one of my all time favs...

I have much to share but I feel this is more inquiry than info... touch base with me if you want more!

Ketu or Leah or namastereal... ha all the same ❤️

Yes my pic and my feet

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