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RE: Lessons from Mother Ayahuasca. Night 9: Breaking curses and "leveling up" my abilities

I first found out about ayahuasca a few months ago like you on a youtube video and found it absolutely fascinating. I read a few stories watched a few videos then moved on.

Yesterday I came across this post and it sparked that fascination all over again. I found myself stop reading this article so I could begin right at the very of your journey. I read every post, opened every link and watched the video in earlier posts. I cannot wait to see where Mother Aya takes you next!


Ah nice. Thanks for reading them. That's a big effort in one go cos they are not short! Once she calls you, she really calls you, I know that. I have 3 ceremonies I could write up now and then I'm going to Colombia in about 2 weeks for another 5 ceremonies. So I should have quite a bit of material coming up.

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