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RE: My Natural Medicine Story

oh your comment was such a gift to me dear! we have such energetic resonance and i'm so thankful for you! your post inspired me this morning to reveal myself. a local dear friend and i have been talking about how we don't want to hide any longer. this post was a nod to that conversation and i was strengthened as i read your post this morning over my morning cuppa.

the crystal bed experience, if you can find a good one, is truly amazing. it sends the energy up through your body and literally changes your energetic frequencies. i don't think i'd "get it" if i hadn't tried it, but, like i said, i took notes! i feel like whenever our "higher selves" (or whatever you want to call them) speak to us, it's good to take note. we can literally manifest ourselves through these experiences.

thank you so much friend. i cried while i wrote this a few times and i also got teary eyed while i read your post this morning. i live for stuff like this!! XO