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RE: My Natural Medicine Story

definitely Raj! i can really see where you're coming from in your comment. You're right on point here.

It is at these times of illness or deep wounds that the mind can switch to an open modality and find spontaneous healing and freedom from the constraints of an imagined future that needs to be constantly planned for, but which in fact never comes.

This openness is the beginning of the healing. There are so many people that I know for whom there are no apparent reasons for their malady... in these cases, as you've done, finding that psychological peace is a fantastic first step. as @naturalmedicine said, if you feel drawn to make a post, I'd love to read it :) All of our alternative medicine journeys have merit and shed light for others.

furthermore, your situation brings up something else for me. since i was a young girl i've had a reproductive issue for which there is no solution! it's made me feel similarly to how you describe yourself in your comment. there are so many people who the medical system literally cannot touch. in some ways, i've felt like i was on my own trying to figure out my healing (Because i wasn't willing to take a pill for the rest of my life.) It's beneficial that in so many ways, I am not alone in this, but there are many people who also experience issues that doctors don't know the answers to. Some humility in our medical systems is needed, I think, and also honoring of alternative modalities for the strengths that they bring!