Common Peppercress (Lepidium africanum)

Common names: Common Peppercress, Pepper Grass, Pepperwort
Taxonomic name: Lepidium africanum
Family: Brassicaceae
Uses: Food, respiratory problems
Area of origin: Africa
Warnings: None
Common Peppercress (Lepidium africanum) is a roadside regular around Gawler. It can be trusted to show itself around Spring and the beginning of Summer.
As its name suggests, it has a peppery taste, and the whole plant can be eaten. Some folks say its a substitute for Tarragon.
It doesn’t have a medicinal use in European herbalism, but in its African home, its leaves are used is used to treat respiratory problems like coughs, colds and flu. There too, the dried unripe seeds are used for stomach ulcers.
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