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RE: My Journey to Natural Health

Yes! Yes yes.
I am 100% in agreement with you about the pill. Even calling it the pill as if it is just a little nothing that every women should just pop.
I know it has caused me many issues. The endocrine system can not be tweaked without a domino effect. Alter one thing and everything else shifts. This crosses every system of the body, they are not separate.
Wow I could write a dozen posts on this.
Connective tissue.
Adrenal function
Eating disorder prescribing to synthesise an absent cycle (that was my speciality area in psych).
Increased risk cancer, stroke, heart disease.
Endometriosis, prescribing the pill to suppress symptoms. 10 % of Australian woman are predicted to have endo. We have almost zero funding into the condition and defiantly zero understanding from the medical profession.

I was enrolled in a visual arts degree, and transferred just weeks before to nursing. I always say it was a sensible career oriented choice, but I loved working with people. Even when I admit it isn't for me anymore, the last position I had, working with people who were experiencing eating disorders was so rewarding. Such misunderstood courageous woman.

I have endometriosis (among other issues) and have been pressured to take the pill so many times over the past years. Don't even get me started on the merina device, I will write a book. I also have a connective tissue disorder, Ehlers danlos syndrome._ Taking the pill would further soften and damage my ligament and tendons. I already such trouble holding myself up and frequently dislocate, but consult obs/gynea and they have zero comprehension of this. In fact endocrine have zero comprehension of the effect of progesterone on connective tissue. Doctors just peddle the pills like every other cog in the medical machine. My past 2 years of illness and seeking treatment from doctors has transformed me from a marathon runner working mother etc to a disabled house bound invalid Who cannot ambulate past the corner with organ failure and facing practically palliative cared for by my husband without even knowing why.
I have been determined to dig my way back to health, but have dug a deaper hole, I should have been climbing out of the system not digging for answers.
Maybe I will still be able to get some quality of life, it is a slow road back to health.
Thanks for raising important issues. People don't know about these things. If a doctor tells you something you invest gospel faith in their words.
I could keep going. Many anti depressants for instance, people don't know are working on a hormonal level. Serotonin, noradenalin. People are told they are brain chemicals that is not true, they effect the brain when reuptake is disturbed but they have an impact on all systems.
Thanks for stimulating my neuro receptors, sorry for my rant, I enjoy your posts.😊