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RE: My Journey to Natural Health

Hi Vanes! I am SO envious of your matriculation at 16! Accelerated school curricula are awesome, what a waste of an intelligent and inquisitive mind to be stuck in school for two or three extra years when we all know that everything we ever learn in school could be done and dusted SO much faster. I really hope that my daughter and yours can embark on whatever careers, sports, hobbies, vocations, callings, relationships, families etc, as late or as early as they choose! I suspect the way we are teaching them is going to help with that!! You are well on your way to being a very competent herbalist and natural healer, and thanks for the bulbinella and lamb's ear you gave me, they fixed Zoe's roasty on her knee in a day or two, and they are growing nicely in my garden now! Keep the posts coming, very inspiring xxx


Yes! I agree! Let's help the girls become who they are without holding them back!!!
I have a lot more for your garden. I found out I have feverfew and wormwood too, that I just never knew how to identify!