Over 80 Natural Cancer Cures

in #natural5 years ago

These 80+ Natural cancer cures were collected from 500+ people.

Please pay me to promote this list: paypal.me/JasonHommel

The world spends hundreds of millions to "look for" cancer cures. And they never find any. Because they are looking for one thing to patent. These are free, natural, or nearly free. Doctors and Hospitals will not willingly adopt things that will end their $150 billion business model. The people need to adopt, learn, use, and share the real cures. Please donate to help me promote this list. paypal.me/JasonHommel

For further information on each, google or search up at bing.com any topic plus cancer for lots of articles on each subject, such as "cloves cancer" or "Essiac tea cancer" or "GcMAF cancer". In many cases, I only list one link for each substance or protocol. In many cases, products sold at amazon have hundreds of testimonials listed.

Cannabis Oil -- listed most frequently, by far.
Cannabis Oil, high THC (made according to Rick Simpsons method.) phoenixtears.ca
RSO Rick Simpson Oil cancer testimonials http://phoenixtears.ca/testimonials/
FECO Full extract cannabis oil (FECO)

Frankincense oil -- https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/frankincense-and-cancer/
Black Seed Oil -- http://wellnessmama.com/37127/black-seed-oil-benefits/

turmeric, (with black pepper) https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/benefits-turmeric-cancer-treatment/
ginger, Ginger: 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo In Cancer Research Model https://foodrevolution.org/blog/ginger-cancer-treatment/
dandelion, https://www.cancertutor.com/dandelionroot/
Wormwood, (Artemesinin) http://naturalsociety.com/artemesinin-iron-causes-98-reduction-breast-cancer/
Black walnut tincture http://www.livestrong.com/article/270375-what-are-the-benefits-of-black-walnut-hull-tincture/
cloves http://www.realnatural.org/cloves-stop-the-growth-of-several-cancers/
red clover
Stillingia http://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Stillingia-Sylvatica-Cid2545
Pau D'Arco http://www.paudarco.org/cancer.php
Kohlrabi, https://draxe.com/kohlrabi/
Sour Sop, Graviola, paw paw http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/02/13/soursop-graviola-cancer-cure-strong-evidnce/
anti fungal herbs

Vitamin c (mega dose IV) http://orthomolecular.org/library/ivccancerpt.shtml
vitamin b17, (in apricot seeds) http://www.vitaminb17.org/
vitamin D, http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/03/11/is-vitamin-d-the-silver-bullet-for-cancer.aspx
iodine, (optimox.com, google "iodine doctors")
selenium, (Brazil Nuts) http://www.curezone.org/diseases/cancer/selenium.asp
colloidal siver (ASAP) https://www.cancertutor.com/msm_cs/
zinc for prostate cancer
boron for prostate cancer
sulfur: DMSO and/or MSM sulfur

Essiac tea https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/essiac-tea-cancer-fighting/
Creosote tea (chaparral) http://www.naturalnews.com/027247_chaparral_cancer.html
Swedish bitters
good fats
juice greens
Carrot juice http://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ann-cameron-cured-her-cancer-with-carrot-juice/

baking soda
+molasses https://www.cancertutor.com/kelmun/
+coconut oil into a paste
+apple cider vinegar

GcMAF https://immunocentre.eu/what-is-gcmaf/
LDN Low dose naltrexone http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/ldn_and_cancer.htm
Rife https://www.cancertutor.com/rifebeck/
EFT https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/emotional-freedom-technique-cancer/
NAET The Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique http://www.naet.com/patients/testimonials.aspx
MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement: Chlorine Dioxide) https://www.cancertutor.com/chlorine_dioxide/
HBOT HyperBaric Oxygen Therapy
CHIPSA http://chipsahospital.org/ CHIPSA Hospital: Enhanced Gerson and Advanced Immunotherapy
GSE is grape fruit seed extract

Gerson therapy https://gerson.org/gerpress/
high ph
Ozone therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation,
Qi Gong
healing frequency tuned music

cut out sugar
no processed foods
no foreign chemicals
"Chemo has a 2% effectiveness..pure quackery"
Mostly avoid meat and dairy for a month ~ half a year

all vegan, organic diet
the 80/10/10 diet by Douglas Graham
Alkaline diet http://www.acidalkalinediet.net/acid-alkaline-food-chart.php
Ketogenic diet
ketosis diet
Budwig diet http://www.budwigcenter.com/the-budwig-diet/ (Cottage Cheese & Flax seeds/oil)
Macrobiotic diet.
Methionine restricted diet (fruit only worked for me) & following the NORI Nutritional Oncology Research Institute protocol

truth about cancer -

The Hoxsey Institute http://www.hoxseybiomedical.com/clinic-information/ Baja, Mexico
the Gawler Foundation

Power Over Cancer, the five agreements that can save your life, Larry Pahl L.M.T.

If Brain cancer, then Dr. Stansilaw Burzynsky's program. http://www.burzynskiclinic.com/
pancreatic enzymes (the late Nicholas Gonzales)
Dr Sebi's healing center
Dr. Charles majors book
any book on self healing by the power of the subconscious mind. Especially by Joseph Murphy
Ryan D. Luelf
Suzanne Somers starts a day with a green smoothie:

Dr Hulda R Clark book "Cure for all Cancer" http://www.bestzapper.com/
coffee enemas / avoid caffeine
black salve--toxic
chemo and radiation both cause cancer

This list has been censored several times at other popular platforms. This has brought me to steemit. The "algorithm" called some of the links "fake news" so I had to delete a few of them. But the spirit of the information remains.

Please pay me to promote this list: paypal.me/JasonHommel

The world spends hundreds of millions to "look for" cancer cures. And they never find any. Because they are looking for one thing to patent. These are free, natural, or nearly free. Doctors and Hospitals will not willingly adopt things that will end their $150 billion business model. The people need to adopt, learn, use, and share the real cures. Please donate to help me promote this list. paypal.me/JasonHommel