Noah's ship made of metal, or island-shaped?

in #natural7 years ago

Probably not many people believe that Noah's ship is made of metal Titanium, which is stranded on the mountain Ararat. The ship is alleged to be in one place, whether it's on a mountain top or may have become a land. Similarly some historians do not believe in the Golden Ratio (1.6180) or the unknown Phi number 5000 years ago. The question is if the ancient people did not know the Golden Ratio, how did Pythagoras study the Great Pyramid?

There are several inventions that are mentioned as Noah's ark, such as ships and the remains of a petrified anchor. But there is also the recognition that their government is helpful and advise to stop researching, because the ark is too sophisticated and can not be built today. This evidence is based on radioactive tests of artefact samples, which have been hidden from the public.

There is an argument that tells the arrival of the ancient gods and built an ark for the protection of all life forms on the surface of the Earth. If so, what is the size of the ark? An ark that is impossible to build today with the largest carrier size ever made by modern humans. Then, how could Noah build a ship of metal mostly Titanium? Who built it, was he helped by God's messenger?

Kapal Nuh Terbuat Dari Logam Titanium

In Islamic literature, Noah mentioned married to a woman whose name is not mentioned in the Qur'an. Some Islamic historians such as Al-Tabari have mentioned the name of Noah's wife as Umzrah bint Barakil, but can not be proved from where it came from. Most Muslims simply call him Naama. Noah had four children named Ham, Shem, Yam and Japheth. According to the Quran, one of the sons of Noah included a kafir who refused to board the ark, chose to climb the mountain and drown, he was Yam.

Scientific facts say, about 5000 years ago, a ball measuring 3 miles crashed into the sea off Madagascar. Natural disasters lead to a series of tsunamis as high as 600 feet and hit a worldwide coastline, releasing hot water vapor dust and particulate aerosols into the atmosphere. Within hours, hot steam and moist temperatures cause a super storm to hit the other side of the planet. For about a week, materials thrown out of the atmosphere are drawn back to Earth and cause darkness. About 80 percent of the world's population may have been killed, the most deadly disaster in world history.

Much of the archaeological evidence in the form of wall carvings about the arrival of aliens, astral, or other designations that now do not appear in modern times. Perhaps they have also helped create a hole and rock print using ultrasound or laser technology like in the Great Pyramids of Egypt. It would be impossible for a human to make a pyramid without technology, it is very clear that ancient civilizations have known the familiar Geometry and Golden Ratio techniques.

The study of Dolni Vestonici tried to see a metal alloy that has been known since 30,000 years ago. According to him, beings other than humans have introduced this knowledge and have taught the language that is on Earth. Like the Cuneiform alphabet and hieroglyphs and counting systems. The Great Flood and Noah's Ark are well known in Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious literature. But what often happens with religious beliefs, some translations experience the limitations of this story. Assuming Noah's Ark is a simple rectangular ship built by one man and his extended family who are now stranded on Mount Ararat. But according to research, the ark material is 64 percent made of metal and larger than the modern British aircraft carrier.

The Los Alamos government personally assists with tests and measurements, they do not believe in the relics of Noah's Ark at Mount Ararat. It is clear that the ark was not built by humans 5200 years ago, the principle of engineering engineering and involves the calculation of the Golden Ratio used in its manufacture. History shows evidence that iron and other metals could not have been known until 3200 years ago, for example Titanium and Aluminum. But the Book of Noah explains the presence of angels with extensive metallurgical skills to build the great Ark. They teach mankind with nail-written and wheeled vehicles, teaching astronomical knowledge and solar system.

In a few statements by Tom Fenner John and Baumgarten on WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research And Ron Wyatt), they got a call to interview most of the people who worked. No one has seen the video believe that Ron Wyatt's site is Noah's Ark. Some of the anger, where Wyatt still uses this video to convince his findings, they think it is a natural geological formation. Letters from archaeologists in Den Womens Ron Wyatt said they had an interest in the substance of Ron Wyatt's claims that have found little, or No Scientific Evidence to support this discovery.

Ron Wyatt's organization became a non-profit and did not have investors, but at that time there were tens of thousands of dollars invested in WAR by the television. And right now, no one is investing money because there is not a bit of scientific evidence that reinforces Ron Wyatt's claim. In the Noah's Ark video, all the so-called scientific data has been duplicated, and the data the lab provides is a FALSE DATA. So those professionals who have seen the evidence, and those who have a relationship with Ron Wyatt, will declare that this discovery is HOAX.

Since the report was published, Ron Wyatt later died. But there are still many people who promote Ron Wyatt's invention claims as Noah's ark. Many have re-examined Ararat's arsenic findings, but it seems that the ship was just a remnant of the remnants of a stranded disaster, unclear what the research objectives are for, or just seeking the popularity of the media.

Who Helped Noah's Ark?

Most people assume that Noah built the Ark, but the manuscript inscribed in the Book of Enoch (chapter 65: The Book of Noah) clearly states that the angels helped to build the ship. It mentions only the eight families of Noah climbing the ark, while his followers await the uncertainty of the disaster that comes.

Who is the angel in question, the angel who broke the Word of God. The Dead Sea Scrolls also depict the fall of 200 angels called Vigilant, they descend on Mount Hermon (north of Palestine). One of the cursed Vilagant is called Azazel which teaches people how to build weapons and armor, and how to manipulate metals. While other Vigilant teach magical art such as clouds, meteorology, earth signs and astronomy. Teaches the use of food spices also ink and paper, also introduces how to write.

Metal Composition of Noah's Artifacts

This is one proof that Noah's Ark has various metal compositions. Chemical analysis reports the presence of oxides because most metals oxidize for thousands of years. Metal residues show not only the relics of Noah's Vessel, but also its construction allegedly involving other beings (angels), just as it is described in Noah's book. Found metal in the form of a rivet (consisting of head and rod used to bind grafting of iron plate by way of riveting), washers, enclosures, and weighted relics / anchors.

Analysis of Paku Kelin Iron

Ron approached Noah's Ark from the southern end, he saw a very large shaped object with a machine around him. Other rivet samples were found showing 8.35% iron, 8.35% aluminum, and 1.59% titanium. This finding implies a very advanced knowledge in the field of metallurgy and engineering. Characteristics of iron-aluminum alloys have been studied at the Russian Chemical Bulletin in 2005 and revealed that these alloys form a thin layer of aluminum oxide that protects the material from rust and corrosion.

Manganese And Specimen Weighing / Anchors

Manganese is found in very high concentrations in ballast specimens. At present, more than 95% of manganese is used to form Ferroalloys by the metal industry, especially for steelmaking, without manganese steel will break down when Hot-Rolled. In an electron microscope test featuring a slag product, the type of metal production produced can not be inferred. Even a layman can easily understand that this is like a modern metallurgical product.

Manganese Pass

Mengabaikan karbon anorganik, sangat kontras dengan kayu yang membatu, tetapi jumlah mangan dioksida 80%, 84% dan 87%, sangat luar biasa. Los Alamos menentukan bahwa spesimen menunjukkan adanya hubungan dengan produksi aluminium aloid.

Wrought iron

Los Alamos also analyzed iron samples from the Noah Ships, the results of seven samples ranging from 60% to 91.84% were Fe2O3. The highest reading is obtained from the angle of the wrought-iron bracket.

Weight / Anchor, Rich Titanium

The strange material is found scattered throughout the bottom of Noah's Ship and at a distant location on the side of the mountain. Very synonymous with the strange material found in the northern tip of the hull, and the numbers are numerous. In stark contrast to petrified wood, but it contains an incredible manganese dioxide of more than 80%, and Titanium.

In one analysis of the ballast, John Baumgardner writes: "... the end of aloid aluminum production". This specimen contains 31.44% manganese, 41.95% Titanium and NO IRON, 11.33% silicon, and 7.19% aluminum. The Los Alamos National Laboratories research team hardly believes that humans were capable of producing 40% aluminum-manganese Titanium 5200 years ago.

In one analysis of the ballast, John Baumgardner writes: "... the end of aloid aluminum production". This specimen contains 31.44% manganese, 41.95% Titanium and NO IRON, 11.33% silicon, and 7.19% aluminum. The Los Alamos National Laboratories research team hardly believes that humans were capable of producing 40% aluminum-manganese Titanium 5200 years ago.

Noah's As Island Will Not Be Found

To transport the Earth's living creatures, plant seeds, and food for days, it takes a much larger vessel than the ark at Mount Ararat. The ship is strong, because it could have been the headbreak of a tsunami as it sank the largest aircraft carrier that ever existed today.

Then, where is the presence of Noah's ship? Some people argue, Noah's ark is a ship that floats in the sky and comes from extraterrestrial beings. So far, there is no evidence to substantiate the existence of a creature called "Alien". All scientific evidence explains that Earth is the perfect planet with real life. The most likely and logical, Noah's ark is larger than the modern aircraft carrier, he built an island that could float when a major disaster came.

If Noah brought all living things in the ark of the giant, it would not be able to feed every creature that is in every space. This is very illogical, and Noah's text mentions that angels help to create wooden structures, not metals as historians are analyzing. Mentioned in the manuscript
If Noah brought all living things in the ark of the giant, it would not be able to feed every creature that is in every space. This is very illogical, and Noah's text mentions that angels help to create wooden structures, not metals as historians are analyzing. Mentioned in the manuscript

67.2 And now the Angels make a wooden structure, and when the Angels finish from the task, I will lay my hand upon it, and keep it safe. And change will happen, so the dry land may no longer be empty.
67.4 And they shall shut the mouth of the Angel which shows evil, in the valley of fire ... in the west, near the mountains of gold and silver, iron and soft metal.

A question arises, did Azazel, the exiled angel also build a ship to transport his followers? He was in a valley close to a metal source, melting metal to make various weapons based on his knowledge.

This strange shape of the ship makes people think of him as a madman, unlike the shape of a ship in general. Noah has made an ecosystem that runs naturally above the bahteranya, so there is no need to feed every creature. Noah drove no animals into the boat, but the animal instinct before the disaster arrived had brought it to the safest place. Similarly, before the volcano erupted, all the animals down the mountain were looking for the safest place. The boat was made in such a way as the land, holding all the big plants and the smallest, so the animals feel no difference with the forest. It also answers a series of fundamental questions, such as how the animals did not prey on each other? Is it possible for animals and humans to survive, while ecosystems have been destroyed, lack of food and clean water? Artificial ecosystems on giant ships are the most sensible answer.

How to build Noah's ship for the island? The same question will also arise, how did the earlier civilizations build the Pyramids, the Tower of Babel, and the stone palaces that modern man could not have done? Until now there is no definite evidence, how the construction of the pyramid, even how Noah could build the ark. Although there are many experts who call for help from outer space, or angels, but everything is still a manuscript.

One of the proofs that the civilization at that time was advanced was the invention of the iron ark at Mount Ararat. This ark is equivalent to the largest aircraft carrier that is accurately designed using geometry science. Although there are some places suspected, but the theory of Noah's ship like the island can not be accepted because there is no evidence at all. Perhaps this ark has become a plain or part of one of the mountains, or is on the high seas.