Things that occurred to me the other night

in #nashville6 years ago

Some up some down ...

  • I love what Ray Barnes did to create a video for my song, "(Whattaya Gonna Do) When Peace Breaks Out?" If hyou have not seen it yet, please take a look. (I have come to realize that I do not seem to marshall speed in my pursuits, and that as long I can keep living, they will take their proper places. (I really need to record some more songs, publish a couple of books just waiting for another set of eyes, and expand as I choose to my editing client-base (did anyone know I have edited somewhere between 60 and 100 books that have either seen print, download or at least deemed "done" by the author? Nobody but my writers seem to notice or care ... that would be your loss.)

  • Irony: almost the only pop singer I liked in the 70s was Jackson Browne, because of "Opening Farewell" (which I had thought was Michael Johnson's creation, given the closing every night of the local folk station with it -- boy did I have an embarrassing moment when I requested it at a Mike Williams Pickin' Party, and I still wish as I got to know him a little better I never did request it, as an homage to his other life.

  • A brilliant idea; why is it not being marketed? Had dinner and beers at the Brewhouse West tonight, and had two rounds of my usual fave, Dos Perros from local brewer Yazoo (I even ordered it with the meme Trey Wright began a few years: I said "Woof Woof" to the barkeep, and she responded with, "gotcha!" and delivered me the proper brew, with a lime I don't always need...) I am frankly quite stunned that Yazoo has not jumped on this meme yet; half the bartenders and waitresses in Nashville probably know me, or Trey, or someone else ... largely by that call.

  • Another up one, more intriguing and potentially widespread: After my 2 pints of Dos Perros, I decided to switch to my other fave: Blue Moon, in large part because it's not only a bit lighter, but I get to eat the orange afterward, which I'm far less likely to do with a lime, or even a lemon. I had no idea what was in store: the beer was delivered, not with the usual orange-slice pronged into the side of the glass, but with a QUARTERED small orange, peeled back so that only the peel-side was on the outside of the glass, as the orange basked in the brew. What's more, the peeling was such that a little tug on the exposed peel served to dump the orange into the glass! Now, instead of an excavation of the orange slice, I had a large chunk of orange floating in the brew, and at any time I could gobble it up in a swallow (I did so on beer two; the first one I saved for the very end, and did not have to suck it out of the peel!

  • Downside: I am very annoyed that this laptop I am using, while my 4-in-1 recovers from a Windoze 10 upgrade that failed in the middle this destroyed my operating system (translation: this will take fucking days if not weeks to restore even the free software; can't wait vor what AVG and others put me through for paid versions...), insists on popping up that bitch Cortana every time my fingers slightly miss the intended key on the laptop ... while I wait until Monday to see if it's been repaired and restored, so I begin step two. (I also have work to do from home tomorrow, and Mondaym, using this thing ... well I use it anyway for that, but it does take away one of my interfaces, so thankfully only the Sox are on tomorrow...

  • UP: I had several very stimulating conversations along the way, maybe recruiting a couple of folks to check out Center for Spiritual Living Nashville's magical energy, and even a couple seeing liberty in a new way. Any of you who took my offer to look me up, I hope you are out there now. I backed off from pushing the networking; figured you'd find me if you wanted to.

  • I am also pissed at the app called ... Tunity(I found the spam claim? no! see below, and be prepared for disgust), which used to be such a nice app, but as usual someone forgot that you make money out of promotion and shows, not from the customers (as the music business is only beginning to learn, even if songs dot com proved it two decades ago, before Gaylord swallowed them and then shit out the remains). From logins and passwords, to not being able to leave one broadcast easily then go to another ... they have just really messed this one up!

I'm coming off an unaccustomed stint juggling local politics with a very responsible seasonal job (I worked Saturday for a bit, as well as Monday's "holiday" but at least it's from home, sitting up in bed for the first part.) I truly love the work I am doing right now; as Shawn Gallaway's song puts it, "It's All Good (Except for the Bullshit)"

I have more, but will just attach the link to my video and let you decide.


Peace Out, Brothers and Sisters (and whatever you choose to call yourselves, as long as it's peaceable)