Understanding how Narcisists and Sociopaths destroy lives. Open to all who suffer.

in #narcisism7 years ago (edited)

Narcissists and sociopaths share many common traits.

  1. They will "Gas Light" you instead of an open attack. Saying things like, I'm really concerned about Susan, or I feel terrible for Roberts wife.

  2. They are each the center of the universe. Me me me.

  3. They do not care about you.

The way one can easily distinguish between a Sociopath and a Narcissist are: A sociopath has very high self esteem and wants all the attention. A Narcissist has very low self esteem, and wants all the attention.

In this blog, we will share and discuss tactics on how to save yourself and your family from these evil beings by exposing them, and winning.

We will also discuss no or limited contact to reduce their powers.

This Blog is for the wellness of victims of Narcissists and Sociopaths, and the goal is to save peoples lives.

Please like, and share, and lets grow and heal by discovering new tactics to gain the upper hand.