Superstitions in the History of HumanitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #mythologysteemit7 years ago


The human being has relied on numerous beliefs, mythologies and superstitions that have helped him grow and develop their civilizations over time. But why do we still believe in them today? When technology and reason dominate every human action, many ask us where the superstitions come from, what we are, to a greater or lesser extent, in dependence on our level of sensitivity or rationality.

The most sensitive and imaginative people tend to believe in these matters while the more mental and rational people are much more real. Still, all the other times he took a look at what the stars have in store for him, even though more than one of them has a hard time admitting it.

The actions that have inculcated us in a way like children, like touching wood, the fateful number 13 or the bad luck of breaking mirrors, are just some of those beliefs we do or, on the contrary, we try to avoid the bad things that you could occur

In the same way, we also establish the rites to attract all the good things to us, such as praying the prayers for love as the ones in the following link appear, if you want to enter and learn this prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus for love.

So, a little without knowing why, we will incorporate these actions that scientifically have no explanation, and rationally we do not know why we do them, the belief of the smallest people and the low that we can do to try it does not lose anything or for the social and family education to which it has been determined, we end up accepting and carrying them out.

Similarly, some for hobby, others for hanging out, or because seen from children to parents, the horoscope is consulted today for free, a little porcioso, a little because it costs nothing and entertains and others, as we have already affirmed before, with firm conviction.

Before, in the time of our parents and grandparents, consult in newspapers or magazines, since everyone has a space dedicated to these predictions of the stars. Currently, the free daily horoscope is consulted mainly on the Internet, on websites such as, dedicated in its entirety to the direction of the stars by the intervention of specialists in the field.

Love is the most interesting topic in the horoscope

Love is the feeling that revolves our entire existence, each stage of our life, the sea because we stay in love and living a sweet moment, because we are in the constant search for our better half, or because we find ourselves crying a loss.

It is for this reason that astrology, the horoscope of Love in the diary is the most consulted on the websites such as, where are the predictions for your love relationships of all the signs of the Zodiac for free and free any device with an internet connection.

Why do we believe in superstitions?

To understand why we believe in superstitions, and access the flush of these websites, we have to be clear about the concept and know what we call superstition. According to the psychologist Fernando Marchant, a superstition is "that mental attitude in which a type of predominant magical thought, through which one searches through fantasy and ingrained beliefs, seize everything good and beneficial for oneself or to avoid "some evil, damage or catastrophic effect that may happen to her, family or friends".

This definition adds that "these beliefs are transmitted throughout the history of humanity, present in different cultures of the world." Today on the Internet, you can see how it is still active and activate this attitude, in technological development and advances in science. "

According to expert psychologists who study the functioning of the human mind with respect to these beliefs, man needs the entire existence that explains life and controls uncertainty. In this sense, the need to believe in something becomes very powerful, to the point of controlling the actions and the own will.

In the same way that there are those who believe in God, in a superior being, in a set of divinities or superiors, that is transferred to superstitions and is faithful to them.

According to experts, the mind needs an explanation in some way that does not understand, phenomena that escape reason. Superstitions were the first explanations that humans found in these phenomena until the science passed through its principles through the rational mentality and the application of the scientific method, but even so, science has nothing to do with these beliefs because the life and reality surrounds us, we have more mysteries and riddles than absolute truths.