top 3 Mysterious Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives

in #mystery6 years ago

1.Hanan Monsur and Suzanne Ghanem
Hanan Monsur was born in Lebanon in 1930’s and by the time she was twenty, she married a policeman named Farouk. She gave birth to two girls Leila and Galareh. During the second pregnancy, Hanan experienced heart problems, but she decided not to listen to the doctors and became pregnant for the third time. In 1962, her third child came into the world, this time, a son. During this period, she told her husband that she was going to be reincarnated and have lots to say about her previous life. A year later, her health condition worsened and she had to go through an operation. Hanan flew to Richmond, Virginia, where she died while recovering from the operation. Before dying, she tried to make a telephone call to her daughter Leila. She never reached her.

Ten days after Hanan died, Suzanne Ghanem was born. At the age of only sixteen months, Suzanne picked up a telephone and was constantly repeating ‘Hello Leila’. At the time her family didn’t understand what was going on, but as Suzanne grew, she was able to identify thirteen family members from her past life. The two families met and Farouk accepted Suzanne as a member of his own family. They were in contact for the rest of his life.

2.Rashid Khaddege and Daniel Jurdi
On a sunny day in 1968, a mechanic named Rashid Khaddege got into a car with his friend Ibrahim and went for a ride. They drove to the Military Beach in Beirut, but unfortunately, the driver lost the control of the vehicle. Both men died on the spot. One year later, a boy named Daniel Jurdi was born. His first words were Ibrahim. As a two-year-old Daniel repeatedly claimed that he wanted to go home, that his parents were not his real parents and that he didn’t have a father because his real father was dead. He also claimed that his father’s name was Naim, as it turned out Naim was the name of the Rashid’s father.

While driving with his mother near the place where Rashid had died, little Daniel recognized the place and told his mother ‘This is where I died’. Years later, the two families met. Daniel recognized Rashid’s sister as his sister without ever seeing her before. He also knew that Rashid’s favorite fruit was a banana. Strangely enough, Rashid’s family had stopped eating bananas because it evoked memories of him. Daniel still has a car phobia due to his experiences in his previous life.

3.Ryan – A Boy From The Midwest
Ryan’s story began when he was 4 years old, when he was experiencing frequent, horrible nightmares. Once he turned five, he made an announcement to his mother. He told her, “I used to be somebody else.”

He would often talk about “going home” to Hollywood and would beg his mother to take him there. He told her detailed stories about meeting stars like Rita Hayworth, dancing in Broadway productions, and working for an agency where people would frequently change their names. He even remembered that the name of the street he used to live on had the word “rock” in it.

Ryan’s mother Cyndi said that “his stories were so detailed and they were so extensive, that it just wasn’t like a child could have made it up.”

Cyndi decided to check out some books about Hollywood from her local library, thinking that maybe something inside would catch her son’s attention, and it did. Cyndi said that once she found the below picture — of the man Ryan claims to have been in his past life — everything changed.

They decided to seek Tucker’s help, who took on the case and started his research. After only approximately two weeks, a Hollywood film archivist was able to confirm the identity of the man in the photo. The picture was from a film titled “Night After Night,” and the man was Marty Martyn, who had been a movie extra and then later became a powerful Hollywood agent before passing away in 1964.

Martyn had in fact danced on Broadway, worked at an agency where stage names were often created for new clients, traveled overseas to Paris, and lived at 825 North Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills. These were all details that Ryan was able to communicate to Tucker before they learned the identity of who he described; for example, Ryan knew that the address had “Rox” in it. Ryan was also able to recall how many children Martyn had and how many times he was married. More remarkable still is the fact that Ryan knew Martyn had two sisters, but Martyn’s own daughter did not. Ryan also remembers an African-American maid; Marty and his wife employed several. These are just a few of 55 incredible facts that Ryan can remember from his previous life as Marty Martyn, though as he ages, his memories become increasingly dim.


really nice info

ITs good that you have gathered socmuch information but add some pictures in your further post that will make it interesting to read

Ok thanks for your advice