Mystical Story of Bamboo Tree in Trieng Pantang Village

in #mystery6 years ago

Indonesia - Crowds of people carried pots and cauldrons to the bushes of bamboo trees in Trieng Pantang Village, Lhoksukon District, North Aceh Regency. The fire started, the chicken, fish and rice began to be cooked under the shady bamboo tree.

There was a voice reading the verses of Al-Quran in the form of a Yasin Letter recited from the mouth of hundreds of men and women who came to the place. Yes, the annual year is what people call it.

Prayer prayers were also offered by religious leaders in that place. What actually happened? apparently there is a hidden story and mysticism that is believed by residents in the bamboo tree that grows in a row in the village which is inhabited by thousands of people. Stories and prayers and prayers as well as various religious activities were held three consecutive nights before the summit was held in the form of a feast.

Keuchik Gampong, Trieng Pantang, Hasanuddin said, the bamboo has a lot of history, bamboo trees which are thought to have grown in 1607 ago, there were no residents who dared to cut it and take it for other purposes which were not related to tahlilan activities.

"There are no citizens who dare to take the bamboo, because if it is taken and brought home, according to local residents something bad will happen, that is why the bamboo is called Trieng Pantang," he said.

Religious leaders, chanting prayers and asking to be kept away from distress and as a sign of gratitude for the sustenance earned by the local population. Not only the residents of Gampong, tahlilan was also followed by a number of residents from neighboring villages.

So far, the local community is very enthusiastic about maintaining and caring for the circular bamboo trees. According to the story, this bamboo tree had long grown before 1607, before the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda's kingdom and under this bamboo tree became Sultan Iskandar Muda's stopover, said Keuchik.