Mysteries series part? who knows.

in #mystery6 years ago


I was charting some ancient places for research purposes.

And noticed a very peculiar thing or two, for a start most of the ancient sites we think of as made in the times of no clocks, compasses or maps, pre bronze or what ever age we try to class them as, have some very peculiar habits of being positioned with such precision, we would not only struggle today, we would simply not be able to do so full stop.

A bold statement that requires backing up you say? fine, on we go.

Allow me to point out the things I have found to be very odd.
I am hoping you have heard of mount Kailash? If not click here
Now the oddities begin, if we consider ancient people had supposedly primitive ways to measure and build things with, then why the precision to the nearest metre on a massive global scale?

  • Distance between Kailash and the north pole - 6666km
  • Distance between Kailash to Stonehenge – 6666 Km
  • Distance between Egyptian pyramids to North pole – 6666 Km
  • Distance between Stonehenge to Devil’s tower – 6666 Km
  • Distance between Stonehenge to Bermuda triangle – 6666 Km
  • Distance between Bermuda triangle to Easter island – 6666 Km
  • Distance between Easter island to Tazumal – 6666 Km

    Full source link


Giza Pyramid.

Has some intriguing facts. The interior temperature is constant and equals the average temperature of the earth, 20 Degrees Celsius (68 Degrees Fahrenheit).

  • The cornerstone foundations of the pyramid have ball and socket construction capable of dealing with heat expansion and earthquakes.
  • The mortar used is of an unknown origin (Yes, no explanation was given). It has been analysed, and its chemical composition is known, but it can’t be reproduced. It is stronger than the stone and still holding up today.
  • It was originally covered with casing stones (made of highly polished limestone). These casing stones reflected the sun’s light and made the pyramid shine like a jewel. They are no longer present being used by Arabs to build mosques after an earthquake in the 14th century loosened many of them. It has been calculated that the original pyramid with its casing stones would act like gigantic mirrors and reflect light so powerful that it would be visible from the moon as a shining star on earth. Appropriately, the ancient Egyptians called the Great Pyramid “Ikhet“, meaning the “Glorious Light“. How these blocks were transported and assembled into the pyramid is still a mystery.

There was no such thing as a compass yes?.

  • Aligned True North: The Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error. The position of the North Pole moves over time and the pyramid was exactly aligned at one time.

No maps either?

  • Centre of Land Mass: The Great Pyramid is located at the centre of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the ocean and the other at the Great Pyramid.
  • The centres of the four sides are indented with an extraordinary degree of precision forming the only 8 sided pyramid; this effect is not visible from the ground or from a distance but only from the air, and then only under the proper lighting conditions. This phenomenon is only detectable from the air at dawn and sunset on the spring and autumn equinoxes when the sun casts shadows on the pyramid.
  • The coffer was made out of a block of solid granite. This would have required bronze saws 8-9 ft. long set of teeth of sapphires. Hollowing out of the interior would require tubular drills of the same material applied with a tremendous vertical force.
  • Microscopic analysis of the coffer reveals that it was made with a fixed point drill that used hard jewel bits and a drilling force of 2 tons.
  • The Great Pyramid had a swivel door entrance at one time. Swivel doors were found in only two other pyramids: Khufu’s father and grandfather, Sneferu and Huni, respectively.
  • It is reported that when the pyramid was first broken into that the swivel door, weighing some 20 tons, was so well balanced that it could be opened by pushing out from the inside with only minimal force, but when closed, was so perfect a fit that it could scarcely be detected and there was not enough crack or crevice around the edges to gain a grasp from the outside.
  • With the mantle in place, the Great Pyramid could be seen from the mountains of Palestine and probably the moon as well.
  • The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. Multiplied by 10^8 gives a reasonable estimate of the Earth’s mass.
  • Sun’s Radius: Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10^8 is the sun’s mean radius. [270.45378502 Pyramid Inches* 10^8 = 427,316 miles]
  • The curvature designed into the faces of the pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth.
  • The relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid.


Ancient sites built, only visible from space or very high up in the sky.

Nazca Lines.

The Nazca Lines /ˈnæzkɑː/ are a series of large ancient geoglyphs in the Nazca Desert, in southern Peru. The largest figures are up to 370 m (1,200 ft) long.[1] They were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. Although some local geoglyphs resemble Paracas motifs, scholars believe the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca culture between 500 BCE and 500 CE.[2] The figures vary in complexity. Hundreds are simple lines and geometric shapes; more than 70 are zoomorphic designs of animals, such as birds, fish, llamas, jaguars, and monkeys, or human figures. Other designs include phytomorphic shapes, such as trees and flowers.

The designs are shallow lines made in the ground by removing naturally occurring reddish pebbles and uncovering the whitish/greyish ground beneath. Scholars differ in interpreting the purpose of the designs but, in general, they ascribe religious significance to them.

Because of its isolation and the dry, windless, stable climate of the plateau, the lines have mostly been preserved naturally. Extremely rare changes in weather may temporarily alter the general designs. As of 2012, the lines are said to have been deteriorating because of an influx of squatters inhabiting the lands.

Contrary to the popular belief that the lines and figures can only be seen from an aircraft, they are visible from the surrounding foothills and other high places.

Full source from wiki

Middle east.

In the barren desert landscape, hundreds of kilometres from anywhere, there are thousands upon thousands of elaborate stone wheels, measuring up to 70 meters wide and visible only from the sky.
Flt Lt Percy Maitland documented the presence of the mysterious structures in a 1927 article for the archaeological journal Antiquity.

They remained largely a secret until the 1970s when Dr David Kennedy, now a professor of classics and ancient history at the University of Western Australia, saw them in great numbers while studying old survey photographs from Jordan.
Beginning in the mid-1990s, Dr Kennedy led an aerial photography project aimed at documenting Jordanian archaeological sites.

"These structures are largely unknown," he said. "Frequently, you can't see any of these structures from the ground.

Or you can just see a jumble of boulders that don't make any sense. But you go up a small distance and they are extraordinary."
The stone circles' age is unknown. They are at least 2,000 years old, but could have been built up to 9,000 years ago.

Compared to the Peruvian desert's Nazca drawings - which date as far back as the year 400, number in the hundreds and have a maximum breadth of about 270 meters- the Middle East patterns are more numerous, bigger and much older.

"These volcanic lava fields are the last place you'd expect to find these kinds of structures," Dr Kennedy said. "The landscape is not hospitable. It looks bleak and barren. They're so unusual."

At least 3,000 structures have been found in Jordan and Dr Kennedy's recent research has documented nearly 2,000 in Saudi Arabia.
As seen, there are a huge number, variety and forms of figures in different regions. Unfortunately, there are still many unanswered questions. We do not know why they were built. Neither do we know when they were constructed or by whom.

Full source


Petra Jordan, another site that we would struggle to build now.

Why are the doorways so big for a start? This place was built in the middle of nowhere, and would have required a lot of skill and financing, or cooperation. To cut into rock with such precision 9000 years ago is mind boggling.

A rose-red city half as old as time; though these words sound like the opening lyrics to a love song, they’re instead penned by a poet and speak of an ancient civilization that carved evidence of their history deep into the soft sandstone rocks jutting into the wide Jordanian skies.
Wandering through the miles of sandy roads, the nubby domes of eroded mountains visible in every direction, I was overwhelmed the moment I stepped into this ancient civilization.

How did they do it?

Why did they carve such beautiful structures into the side of the towering rocks?
And I wondered even more: since sandstone is so delicate, why is the evidence still here a full two thousand years later?
Petra’s history and the romantic edifices carved into pink rock piqued my curiosity long before we arrived. Those questions though, formed an ambiguous web of responses depending on who was asked to provide more details. Ask a historian and he’ll point you to ancient religious texts and the scarce written accounts that still exist from philosophers of the time.

The archaeologists will point to their excavations and aerial imaging that maps out the remnants of a city still buried under sand. And the mythologist? Well, he instead gathers stories, legends, the tales passed down through time and shaped throughout history to weave a complex possibility of the whys behind Petra.

When I travelled through Petra, I had my guidebook and guide to share the stories, but with the lens of hindsight, the internet, and the information I absorbed while visiting, let’s take a look at Petra through a happy lens of all three perspectives meshed into one… a lens where history, archaeology, and myth meet in a still partially unexplained ancient mystery.

The views over the Petra Valley spread wide from my thin ledge at a small park in Wadi Musa, Jordan, the shadows accentuated the towering height of the rocks. Just minutes into our Petra journey and we we’re already confronted with one of the myths suffusing the ancient city. We planned to stay overnight in Wadi Musa, a small tourist town and the gateway to Petra. The name Wadi Musa means “the Valley of Moses” and this town, which stands high above Petra, shoulders a tenuous connection to the biblical past.

Looking down into the clefts of rock it was easy to see why the Crusaders wrote Moses into Petra’s history.

They allege that somewhere in that tangled maze below my ledge, that Moses struck a rock to bring forth water to the Israelites. The tale holds only possible truths, but no matter the veracity, that story forever linked Moses to this imposing sight… and you can bet that was a job well done for the Crusaders, who had no idea this city would last for so long. They had no idea the wide-ranging impact their story would have on the modern development of the myth and lore of this ancient civilization.

My panoramic aerial views were just the beginning, however, and later that day we descended into the tall rocks to find the ancient pathways leading into Petra. It’s worth noting though, that unlike the epic descent of Indiana Jones into the ancient city, we took slower pace once inside the city. We shielded the bright sunlight with our red Jordanian keffiyeh and walked the wide streets as the horse-drawn carriages passed, laden down with the tourists unable to navigate the miles of rocky roads winding through the city.

Within minutes of entering Petra, the first examples of rock-carved architecture danced to life from the sandstone and the precise, sharp lines jutting from the pale rocks could have been sliced from the rock a hundred years ago, instead of two thousand years ago.

Full source


Deliberators verdict = We shall continue to explore.

I hope you enjoyed my presentation, as always leave any thoughts below. I am super busy at the moment and have very little time online, I can assure you some of you are always on my mind, have a superb week ahead.



Images courtesy of pixabay.


Hey great post dude, thanks for sharing ;)

Your post contains some great information, excellent work .. you may be interested to hear that the great pyramid coordinates also match the speed of light, some have called bullshit on this but they are both wrong and right, they're right that the Egyptians didn't use the same measuring standard as us .. they're wrong in that the Egyptians didn't build the pyramids.

I wrote this in a previous comment: The pyramid sits very close the nile delta at 29 degrees north latitude and 31 degrees east (Greenwich prime) and is orientated to the true north with an incredible level of accuracy. The equater is in the middle of the earth but the zero latitude that's in use to this day was simply a choice by the British Empire .. equall,y it wasn't a very good one. The Greenwich prime meridian (GPM) has zero distinguishing scientific, geological or indeed natural features features for it to be a logical choice .. so I put it down to Empirical arrogance. But if you move the prime meridian to the great pyramid and make it the zero latitude the genius of it's location/design begins to come into focus .. for instance, the four sides of the pyramid align with the four river deltas. For example the Yangtze river delta which is currently 121 degrees east of greenwich is 90 degrees east if you use the pyramid as the prime. This also reveals some facts about the earth that were missed by the arrogance of the greenwich. Moving the prime meridian to the pyramid meant adding 31 degrees to the west of the of the greenwich prime number. By adding 31 degrees to the 89w (which is the gps of the Mississipi delta) the adjuusted map reveals that it is now 120degrees west of the pyrmaid. So we have the Yangtze at 90 degrees and the Mississipi at 120 degrees. Equally the major rivers of the northern hemisphere have precise geometric relationships. The Mississipi flows south from it's source to it's delta and the Nile flows north from source to delta. They also both empty into the ocean on the exact latitude (30 degrees north) and appear to be inverted images of each other. The Yangtze is also located on the same latitude. Nice work, really enjoyed this one @deliberator

Dude that comment was worth a post in itself, fantastic knowledge and vision, this sir is why you are a true visionary, and why that beer 1 day is a "must" I was going to make this post a lot longer, with a lot more information, though for now it is simply not viable with my low view counts, I will still plug away regardless, and comments like those I receive on here make it rewarding in itself, have a fantastically super week.

In terms of posts, I think it was a great length and packed loads of information .. I resteemed it for you .. hopefully, you will get a few more views :) Have a good one @deliberator

You legend, thank you kindly.

Great post. There are so many interesting things about the pyramids. I just recently saw a video describing how the pyramids could have been some sort of battery or power source with all the coincidences all seeming to back it up. It would make sense why so little is known about these still if that was the case.

Thanks for the superb comment and link, I have a friend in Thailand who is researching a pyramid there, with the views the same as you are saying, he is writing a book to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they were indeed a source of energy, he goes one step further in stating they could transmit energy also, Tesla tower style, I await the publication on his full theory in said book, then we may be talking "proof" rather than theory, exciting times just around the corner, have a super week my friend.

Hmnnn... fascinating. Did you know there is a pyramid complex in China too. One that patterns the same positioning of the pyramids to each other as those in Egypt?

Yes, and other places, though trying to find the definitive guide to known pyramid locations is a task in itself.

It is amazing to see all of the marvels from antiquity. I first became aware of them as a child through In Search Of and books by such people as Erich Von Daniken. As one gets older, you begin to wonder why for the most part this history is ignored instead of having the spotlight shed on it for as much debate and discovery as possible.

As you have alluded to many times, it is obvious they do not wish us to understand the past, which in itself gives rise to so many questions about their intent and knowledge. Thank you for pouring your focus on compiling all of this information and adding yet another stone for seekers to uncover as they sift through the crap for truth.

It seems that once humans adopt a particular viewpoint wether it is in medicine, religion, politics, archeology or ... well anything, they/we are super resistant to change or challenge. You would think we would rise above our castles of ignorance and welcome illumination. But 'tis not so. Not yet, at least. But our only hope as a species is to rise above these lower levels of consciousness and seek first to understand and then to know the truth... as far as we can discern.

I trust my inner something. Not sure what it is, but it seems to know things and nudge me towards where the truth seems to be. Sadly, I have this feeling that there is a lot of information that has been hidden from us to make us less abled than those who have hidden it.

Dominance in banking, religion, science, and information seem to all go hand-in-hand don't they? Ignorance is the great Achilles heal of the masses.

And you know who they are, as do I. :-)

As always a top notch comment, I do also give much thought to why those that hold the key to the text books of history refuse to allow knowledge to flow. I will endeavour to do my best to share knowledge when ever I can, as it is the only way the younger generation may get to learn history, as the education system now seems flawed at best, I wish you a superb week my friend, we have many more posts to share, keep on doing what you do, and stay awesome.

Yeah, I think they keep us dumbed down to give themselves the edge. I do begin to wonder now that my age is beginning to make it a little late in the game for myself if one can discover the truths despite their meddling.

Looking forward to the next one, keep them coming so I can help you rape and ravage this reward pool a few cents at a time when I smash this upvote button.

Age matters not. All that matters is we stretch or minds to the point we pack them full of useful facts, not just the junk food we were fed by a broken down old system called school. :-)
Keep smashing that button. :-)

Superb, thank you kindly.

one might note that as recently as 12,000 years ago the seal level was four hundred feet lower than it is today. Today 80% of the worlds population live within 100 miles of the seacoast, that percentage approached 100 percent before there was modern transportation. Is there any reason to think that people twelve thousand years ago were any different.

In other words....there were likely civilizations that prospered for eons...on the continental shelf that is now four hundred foot underwater. Doggerland comes to mind.

How do we know what they could or could not do?

Very true, and you inspired my post tonight with regards to ancient mystery artefacts, thank you kindly.

you're welcome.
I live to serve.

A lot of what we are amazed by is simply a result of not understanding antediluvian man. He was NOT an imbecile. He was a much more recent creation of a very intelligent God. He was probably much taller and stronger than modern man, due to the heavy concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere (probably double today's amount) AND the race mixing with the "Sons of God" (fallen angels) which created LITERAL GIANTS..some up to 15' tall. A 15' tall man would not be 2.5 times stronger (using height ratios) than modern man, but rather many multiples of modern man's strength. I bet a 15-footer could lift a 10-ton boulder without too much trouble...and a gang of them....well....

Funny you mention that, I just received a file from someone packed with images of massive sized skeletons that were excavated early last century, I am awaiting the accompanying information as to "where" and "who" also where did they end up, as modern day text books seem to conveniently omit them hmmmmm, seems another post is brewing soon.
Have a great week, and thanks for a superb comment.

You're welcome, my friend. Thank YOU for a fascinating thread.

There are many mysteries in the world today, I do feel sorry for all the ancient sites that have been termed Unesco World Heritage Sites, i think i covered that in a previous comment.

I think one of the reasons for a lack of knowledge on many of these sites is that for some reason some group does not want the average person to know. he who controls the past controls the future. We have only been thinking smart modern man for this many years, therefore everything that does not fit the narrative is a lie.

Maybe the door ways were so big because men were giants back then. Or because they rode creatures that were giants. Who knows, maybe one day we will learn the truth, but it is going to be a difficult thing to prove.

You did mention that before yes, and for the "some group" I tend to call them "those you are not allowed to challenge or comment about" if you know what I mean? you know who runs the show, when you know who you are not allowed to criticize. And yes for sure were are being told half truths, that's why I keep digging, caring is sharing, thanks for a superb comment.

If you donate 1 SBD or STEEM to @a-a-a I will resteem your last post to over 72,500 followers on my 2 accounts @a-a-a and @a-0-0

I appreciate your continued effort to illuminate minds. What greater thing is there right now when we humans hope to rise above our ignorance... well, at least a growing number of us do.

Perhaps one of the first observations humans made is that of the stars, constellations, planets and the moon. The celestial movements and patterns were very precisely and accurately measured. Consider the fantastically accurate observations of the heavens come from the ancient Middle American civilizations. And the Sumerians developed an entire system of astrology as long as 7,000 years ago...and most likely far earlier. Back then astrology and astronomy were seen as very complimentary.

Of course I've been surprised to discover that Plato and his compatriot philosophers came up with atomic theory. What? Yep, Einstein was standing upon their shoulders.

Anyway, I love investigating this sort of thing but have little time for it so I bow the knee and doff my hat to you and say, "Go get 'em. And keep us informed."

Another comment of the highest quality, it is worth writing these articles for that if for nothing else. The Sumerians is a topic have a lot of text books regards, and will do a series of posts on them alone, it will have to be a week long series at some point in time, due to the sheer number of amazing things they wrote, built and how they shaped and moulded the world around us, stick with me my friend, as we go deeper and further back in mystery and time. Have a superb week. Tips hat, offers a beer and gets back to writing.

Thanks for this list of facts. It is marvelous what magic is hidden in the ancient structures and how they are related to each other and the movement of the zodiac. Sometimes it fells like we have digressed rather than progressed over time. Deliberate or by accident - we are about to change that again!

Most welcome, and I would say "deliberate" as so much is hidden away that could advance society, in the name of greed it stays behind closed doors, we are at the cusp of change, and there simply is no stopping it or us, together we shall make this world a better place, I have faith in my fellow humans.

Thank you for continuing to bring us this insightful information i am soaking it up :)

Thank you kindly, onwards and upwards we go.