MySpace was an early social media website that quickly became popular before slowly losing market shares to more nimble approaches by the likes of Facebook. Many early media studies were about the ideas of how identity and social profiles were used on the platform. To get a sense of the literature that predates studies on Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, or Facebook it is helpful to examine what the topics of interest were.
To this end, here are the 100 most cited publications mentioning MySpace in their title.
"The Cult of the Amateur: How blogs, MySpace, YouTube and the rest of today's user-generated media are killing our culture and economy". A Keen. 2011. Hachette UK . 2430 cites.
"Trust and privacy concern within social networking sites: A comparison of Facebook and MySpace". C Dwyer, S Hiltz, K Passerini. 2007. AMCIS 2007 proceedings. 1645 cites.
"MySpace and Facebook: Applying the uses and gratifications theory to exploring friend-networking sites". J Raacke, J Bonds-Raacke. 2008. Cyberpsychology & behavior. 1642 cites.
"Self-presentation and gender on MySpace". AM Manago, MB Graham, PM Greenfield…. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Applied …. 641 cites.
"Grooming, gossip, Facebook and MySpace: What can we learn about these sites from those who won't assimilate?". Z Tufekci. 2008. Taylor & Francis Information, Communication & Society. 633 cites.
"Friends, friendsters, and myspace top 8: Writing community into being on social network sites". D Boyd. 2006. Citeseer . 618 cites.
"Age differences in online social networking–A study of user profiles and the social capital divide among teenagers and older users in MySpace". U Pfeil, R Arjan, P Zaphiris. 2009. Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior. 567 cites.
"Explaining why young adults use MySpace and Facebook through uses and gratifications theory". MA Urista, Q Dong, KD Day. 2009. Human Communication. 506 cites.
"Personal information of adolescents on the Internet: A quantitative content analysis of MySpace". S Hinduja, JW Patchin. 2008. Elsevier Journal of adolescence. 489 cites.
"Social networks, gender, and friending: An analysis of MySpace member profiles". M Thelwall. 2008. Wiley Online Library Journal of the American Society for Information …. 444 cites.
"Voters, MySpace, and YouTube: The impact of alternative communication channels on the 2006 election cycle and beyond". V Gueorguieva. 2008. Social Science Computer Review. 371 cites.
"Data mining emotion in social network communication: Gender differences in MySpace". M Thelwall, D Wilkinson, S Uppal. 2010. Wiley Online Library Journal of the American …. 333 cites.
"Digital relationships in the" myspace" generation: Results from a qualitative study". C Dwyer. 2007. System Sciences, 2007. HICSS 2007. 40th Annual …. 287 cites.
"Learning to immaterial labour 2.0: MySpace and social networks". M Coté, J Pybus. 2007. ephemera. 275 cites.
"MySpace and Facebook: Identifying dimensions of uses and gratifications for friend networking sites.". J Bonds-Raacke, J Raacke. 2010. Individual Differences …. 267 cites.
"Get out of MySpace!". N Jones, H Blackey, K Fitzgibbon, E Chew. 2010. Elsevier Computers & Education. 264 cites.
"MySpace politics: Uses and gratifications of befriending candidates". M Ancu, R Cozma. 2009. Taylor & Francis Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 260 cites.
"Display of health risk behaviors on MySpace by adolescents: prevalence and associations". MA Moreno, MR Parks, FJ Zimmerman…. 2009. … of pediatrics & …. 252 cites.
"Millennial makeover: MySpace, YouTube, and the future of American politics". M Winograd, MD Hais. 2008. . 221 cites.
"Homophily in myspace". M Thelwall. 2009. Wiley Online Library Journal of the American Society for Information …. 211 cites.
"Academic libraries, Facebook and MySpace, and student outreach: A survey of student opinion". RS Connell. 2009. portal: Libraries and the Academy. 207 cites.
"The fourth amendment and privacy issues on the new internet: facebook. com and MySpace. com". MJ Hodge. 2006. HeinOnline S. Ill. ULJ. 204 cites.
"The problems and potential of MySpace and Facebook usage in academic libraries". M Chu, YN Meulemans. 2008. Taylor & Francis Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 197 cites.
"The association of parenting style and child age with parental limit setting and adolescent MySpace behavior". LD Rosen, NA Cheever, LM Carrier. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Applied Developmental …. 196 cites.
"Facebook and MySpace: Complement or substitute for face-to-face interaction?". CL Kujath. 2011. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 194 cites.
"Paradox and promise: MySpace, Facebook, and the sociopolitics of social networking in the writing classroom". G Maranto, M Barton. 2010. Elsevier Computers and Composition. 188 cites.
"The 2008 presidential campaign: Political cynicism in the age of Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube". G Hanson, PM Haridakis, AW Cunningham…. 2010. Taylor & Francis Mass Communication …. 182 cites.
"Adolescents' sense of community on myspace and facebook: a mixed‐methods approach". SM Reich. 2010. Wiley Online Library Journal of community psychology. 179 cites.
"Me, MySpace, and I: Parenting the net generation". LD Rosen. 2007. . 159 cites.
"Distress, coping, and blogging: Comparing new Myspace users by their intention to blog". JR Baker, SM Moore. 2008. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 158 cites.
"To catch a predator? The MySpace moral panic". AE Marwick. 2008. First Monday. 157 cites.
"Trends in online social networking: Adolescent use of MySpace over time". JW Patchin, S Hinduja. 2010. new media & society. 156 cites.
"Twitter, MySpace, Digg: Unsupervised sentiment analysis in social media". G Paltoglou, M Thelwall. 2012. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and …. 155 cites.
"We will never forget you [online]: An empirical investigation of post-mortem MySpace comments". JR Brubaker, GR Hayes. 2011. Proceedings of the ACM 2011 conference on …. 153 cites.
"A Large-Scale Study of MySpace: Observations and Implications for Online Social Networks.". J Caverlee, S Webb. 2008. ICWSM. 152 cites.
"An analysis of the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine debate on MySpace blogs". J Keelan, V Pavri, R Balakrishnan, K Wilson. 2010. Elsevier Vaccine. 138 cites.
"Identity production in a networked culture: Why youth heart MySpace". D Boyd. 2007. INA MédiaMorphoses. 138 cites.
"Whose space is MySpace? A content analysis of MySpace profiles". S Jones, S Millermaier, M Goya-Martinez, J Schuler. 2008. First monday. 125 cites.
"Research ethics in the MySpace era". MA Moreno, NC Fost, DA Christakis. 2008. Am Acad Pediatrics Pediatrics. 123 cites.
"Moral spaces in MySpace: Preservice teachers' perspectives about ethical issues in social networking". TS Foulger, AD Ewbank, A Kay, SO Popp…. 2009. Taylor & Francis Journal of Research …. 123 cites.
"O culto do amador: como blogs, MySpace, YouTube ea pirataria digital estão destruindo nossa economia, cultura e valores". A Keen. 2009. Zahar . 121 cites.
"Fk yea I swear: cursing and gender in MySpace". M Thelwall. 2008. Corpora. 118 cites.
"The myspace generation". J Hempel, P Lehman. 2005. Business Week. 115 cites.
"Gender differences in “social portraits” reflected in MySpace profiles". MJ Magnuson, L Dundes. 2008. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 112 cites.
"Social networking sites and the surveillance society: A critical case study of the usage of studiVZ, Facebook, and MySpace by students in Salzburg in the …". C Fuchs. 2009. Forschungsgruppe" Unified Theory … . 111 cites.
"The ties that bind: The networked performance of gender, sexuality and friendship on MySpace". N Van Doorn. 2010. New Media & Society. 101 cites.
"MySpace: Social networking or social isolation". R Nyland, R Marvez, J Beck. 2007. AEJMC Midwinter Conference. 100 cites.
"Psychotherapy, professional relationships, and ethical considerations in the myspace generation.". K Lehavot, JE Barnett, D Powers. 2010. … Psychology: Research and …. 99 cites.
"The construction of the virtual self on MySpace". G Salimkhan, AM Manago…. 2010. … : Journal of Psychosocial …. 96 cites.
"MySpace or Mixi? Japanese engagement with SNS (social networking sites) in the global age". T Takahashi. 2010. New media & society. 95 cites.
"Blog function revisited: A content analysis of MySpace blogs". C Fullwood, N Sheehan, W Nicholls. 2009. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 93 cites.
"Engagement, bonding, and identity across multiple platforms: Avaaz on Facebook, YouTube, and MySpace". A Kavada. 2012. MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication …. 91 cites.
"An exploratory investigation of the virtual community MySpace. com: What are consumers saying about fashion?". J Boyd Thomas, C Okleshen Peters…. 2007. Journal of Fashion …. 88 cites.
"Copy and paste literacy? Literacy practices in the production of a MySpace profile". D Perkel. 2006. Informal Learning and Digital Media. 86 cites.
"Copy and paste literacy? Literacy practices in the production of a MySpace profile". D Perkel. 2010. SciELO Brasil Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada. 85 cites.
"Rereading fandom: MySpace character personas and narrative identification". P Booth. 2008. Critical Studies in Media Communication. 83 cites.
"MySpace is your space? Examining self-presentation of MySpace users". K Boyle, TJ Johnson. 2010. Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior. 82 cites.
"Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace". D Boyd. 2007. . 81 cites.
"Best friends: Alliances, friend ranking, and the MySpace social network". P DeScioli, R Kurzban, EN Koch…. 2011. Perspectives on …. 79 cites.
"What are adolescents showing the world about their health risk behaviors on MySpace?". MA Moreno, M Parks, LP Richardson. 2007. Medscape General …. 76 cites.
"“MySpace” or yours? The ethical dilemma of graduate students' personal lives on the internet". K Lehavot. 2009. Taylor & Francis Ethics & Behavior. 76 cites.
"MySpace. com–A social networking site and social contract theory". J Snyder, D Carpenter, GJ Slauson. 2006. Director. 71 cites.
"Hot today, gone tomorrow: on the migration of MySpace users". M Torkjazi, R Rejaie, W Willinger. 2009. … of the 2nd ACM workshop on Online …. 70 cites.
"Stealing MySpace: The battle to control the most popular website in America". J Angwin. 2009. . 70 cites.
"Leaving MySpace, joining Facebook:'Growing up'on social network sites". B Robards. 2012. Taylor & Francis Continuum. 69 cites.
"MySpace isn't your space: Expanding the fair credit reporting act to ensure accountability and fairness in employer searches of online social networking services". DC Davis. 2006. HeinOnline Kan. JL & Pub. Pol'y. 69 cites.
"Digital literacies:“I gave up MySpace for Lent”: New teachers and social networking sites". W Kist. 2008. Wiley Online Library Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 67 cites.
"Psychotherapy 2.0: MySpace® Blogging as Self–therapy". L Tan. 2008. Am Psychiatric Assoc American journal of psychotherapy. 65 cites.
"Adolescent suicide statements on MySpace". SJ Cash, M Thelwall, SN Peck, JZ Ferrell…. 2013. … , Behavior, and Social …. 64 cites.
"MySpace comments". M Thelwall. 2009. Online Information Review. 64 cites.
"Architecture of the personal interactive homepage: constructing the self through MySpace". J Davis. 2010. new media & society. 63 cites.
"Meet Generation C: Creatively Connecting Through Content-Generation C is the" You" in YouTube, the" My" in MySpace, and the" i" in iPod. They're you …". J Dye. 2007. Wilton, CT: Online, Inc., c1999- EContent-Digital Content Strategies and …. 62 cites.
"Myspace, your space, or our space-new frontiers in electronic evidence". JS Wilson. 2007. HeinOnline Or. L. Rev.. 62 cites.
"Technology literacy and the MySpace generation". S McLester. 2007. Technology & Learning. 60 cites.
"Repercussions of a myspace teen suicide: Should anti-cyberbullying laws be created". MC Ruedy. 2007. HeinOnline NCJL & Tech.. 59 cites.
"MPs and E-representation: Me, MySpace and I". NA Jackson, DG Lilleker. 2009. Springer British Politics. 59 cites.
"From Calvin Klein to Paris Hilton and MySpace: adolescents, sex, and the media.". JD Brown, VC Strasburger. 2007. Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art …. 56 cites.
"MySpace, my friends, my customers". P Carrera, CY Chiu, P Pratipwattanawong…. 2008. Springer … technologies in tourism …. 55 cites.
"PYMK: friend recommendation at myspace". M Moricz, Y Dosbayev, M Berlyant. 2010. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM …. 53 cites.
"Female self-sexualization in MySpace. com personal profile photographs". PC Hall, JH West, E McIntyre. 2012. Springer Sexuality & Culture. 51 cites.
"Formative research on MySpace: online methods to engage hard-to-reach populations". D Levine, A Madsen, E Wright, RE Barar…. 2011. Taylor & Francis Journal of health …. 49 cites.
"“You Looked Better on MySpace”: Deception and authenticity on the Web 2.0". LF Sessions. 2009. First Monday. 48 cites.
"The rise and inglorious fall of myspace". F Gillette. 2011. Bloomberg Businessweek. 47 cites.
"Engaging others in online social networking sites: Rhetorical practices in MySpace and Facebook". SE Vie. 2007. The University of Arizona. . 46 cites.
"Generation MySpace: Helping your teen survive online adolescence". CM Kelsey. 2007. . 44 cites.
"Minding MySpace: Balancing the benefits and risks of students' online social networks". C Brydolf. 2007. The Education Digest. 44 cites.
"Friendster lost steam. Is MySpace just a fad". D Boyd. 2006. Apophenia Blog. 44 cites.
"Ghosts in the machine: Mourning the MySpace dead". R Dobler. 2009. … and the internet: Vernacular expression in a …. 43 cites.
"Social network site changes over time: The case of MySpace". D Wilkinson, M Thelwall. 2010. Wiley Online Library Journal of the American Society for …. 43 cites.
"Exploring the impact of Facebook and Myspace use on first-year students' sense of belonging and persistence decisions". TL Strayhorn. 2012. Journal of College Student Development. 43 cites.
"Verdict in MySpace suicide case". J Steinhauer, M Meier. 2008. The New York Times. 42 cites.
"MySpace nation". C Metz. 2006. PC Magazine. 41 cites.
"Movies and MySpace: The effectiveness of official web sites versus online promotional contests". E Mabry, L Porter. 2010. Taylor & Francis Journal of Interactive Advertising. 41 cites.
"'Individuality is everything':'Autonomous' femininity in MySpace mottos and self-descriptions". AS Dobson. 2012. Taylor & Francis Continuum. 40 cites.
"Libraries get personal: Facebook applications, Google gadgets, and MySpace profiles". A Harris, S Lessick. 2007. Library Hi Tech News. 39 cites.
"Shaping the 'me'in MySpace: The framing of profiles on a social network site". DR Brake. 2016. . 39 cites.
"Underpinning the paradoxes in the artistic fields of MySpace: the problematization of values and popularity in convergence culture". HC Suhr. 2009. new media & society. 39 cites.
"Study of Static Classification of Social Spam Profiles in MySpace.". D Irani, S Webb, C Pu. 2010. Icwsm. 39 cites.
"MySpace is also their space: Ideas for keeping children safe from sexual predators on social-networking sites". SH Duncan. 2007. HeinOnline Ky. LJ. 39 cites.
"Public Schools vs. Myspace & (and) Facebook: The Newest Challenge to Student Speech Rights". KD Williams. 2007. HeinOnline U. Cin. L. Rev.. 38 cites.

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