Caring Hands- MyPictureDay Submission
For every rose a hand
For every empty glass a caring song.
Whatever it may come my way
I will always flow away
Quiet !
Gentle , cheerful , always caring
Love is me and I am merry !
I wish we all had a fairy :)
Grandmas hand .. Whatever she touches tastes alive . Took this picture in Romania while I was visiting a friend in Maramures county.. She made some really good
placinta`.. Romanian word for stuffed dough with cheese, It usually comes sweet but you can have it with salty cow cheese , mixed with dill... Dillicious :))
Hardworking peasent`s hands .. Cheers ! DRink up :) I took this with a Nikor 60 mm Micro 2.8 , but the flowers in the glass I added on photoshop .. they were shot on film with a Canon Xtb
I was having lunch with a friend of mine the other day and we had the most adorable waitress .. so we made her a white rose from a napkin !
Hope you guys care for others and continue to steem hard ! Smiles away !