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RE: Curating Posts Older Than Seven Days! #MY PICKS

in #mypicks5 years ago

The idea of allowing posts older than 7 days is obviously a good one.
On one hand 7 days is totally arbitrary; why not 5 or 15? Why not let the curators VOTE for how long they think a given post is valuable and should accumulate rewards? Clearly the actual content of a post should influence its "lifetime".

On the other hand if steem is a system to allocate value, then rewards should reflect the overall value of content in the platform with only secondary regard to the age of the post.

Why that is not so, it's because it would require a realignment of the architecture. Steemit was envisioned as a "Reddit on blockchain". Dropping the link between value and content age would imply a "Wikipedia on blockchain ". Subsequently, it would also entail major code changes.

Posted using Partiko Android


Fully agree with what you are saying here and likewise fully agree that a 'Wiki' on our Steem blockchain would be absolutely amazing.

Don't see why it couldn't be done efficiently and 100% in line with our ecosystem once the SMTs are out.

However, getting back to the 7 day ticker, sure, it is what it is and HF21 is bringing about some changes that have brought about various views and comments.

I sincerely believe that we can all contribute to changes as individuals no matter what the government/governance model may be.

Although what I am suggesting here is not to change the code, it can add a little to the what we the people/Steemians do to make a difference in the overall experience for those among us who are sincerely putting in effort and time but without the recognition that many of us may feel is deserved for it.

Again, I am bias towards the grassroots approach, this isn't to say that it is the only solution out there. It is what I as an individual like to promote and nurture.

Appreciate your input.



It is just a UI/UX fix, which can be done without touching the architecture. Steemit is a website, they can display whatever they want without touching the blockchain code.

So what they might do is keep all apperances the same as they are now, but actually replace the posts older than 7 days with new posts behind the scenes. Those posts will give rewards to their original author, while no one notices anything.

And another problem might be ranking, as it is supposed to rank high for 7 days only. Again no problem, they just have to design a content discovery algorithm that takes age of post into account (like reddit does) and ignoring the rewards on the post after 7 days.

That's not software engineering, that's a dirty hack. It would reflect very poorly on the team, the project and ultimately on the value of steem

Posted using Partiko Android

Why?? The goal is not to have a currency that ranks posts correctly. The goal is to have a currency that is used everywhere on the internet.

Each website is free to do whatever he wants with it. For example, Dtube might not want to rank post according to rewards, but according to views. They can do that! It’s their website. (This is just an example, they don’t want this).

This is why STEEM is powerful. It’s easy to integrate in any web app.

Posted using Partiko iOS

What I see is that if a front end wants to be "a Reddit" on a blockchain it can. has proven this.

What I also see is that once SMTs are released, which is next on the "To Do" list, that there is no limit to what all can be done + be powered by Steem.
No limits as outlined by you "They can do that! It’s their website".

So there really is no need for Steemit Inc. to "hack" their own UI, in fact it would probably be counter productive (as outlined by @sorin.critescu ).

Love it, see some awesome potential out there for Steem.

I don’t get your point. How would SMTs bring functionalities that are not already in STEEM? They are just copycats, they can’t have different reward mecanisms.

They might have different inflation, supply, etc but rewards will be payed out every 7 days.

Even if you can change the amount of days, you still can’t have an infinite amount otherwise the author never gets payed. So you need a finite amount of days but different posts behind a single one anyway.

The value of steem, just as any other currency, is based on an implicit social consensus - a group of people agree to coordinate their actions based on signals transmitted through a "unit of account": without talking to me, if you write something of quality, you expect me to "upvote" your content - that is the implicit "social contract", the unwritten "rules of the game.

This "game" generate more value as more people engage in it and bringing more people in requires predictability. Which pretty much means stability and precludes "quick hacks". These tend to generate mistrust: "today they did this, who knows what they'll do tomorrow?"

Stability does bring value, but your thinking is too theoretical. Steemit, Inc holds 25% of the steem supply, they will never do something crazy. And most people don’t even care or know how something is done in the code (especially when we reach mass adoption).

Posted using Partiko iOS

Fair remark about my thinking being theoretical- I'm indeed a highly theoretical guy. :-)
I don't know about the "too" though..