The Story of my Life(Episode 1)

in #mypain6 years ago

My name is Juliet Okoye, I am 30 years of age,i was born into a poor family,I am the fifth child of my parents,my dad is a farmer,my mum a petty trader who has no shop but sells her goods by the side of the road and she always had to contend with KAI(kick Against Indiscipline) a body set up by the governmennt to inculcate discipline and enforce the law as at that time. I have witnessed my mum being molested by this touts who claim to be following orders but actually out there to enrich their pocket,i always had to go down on my knees begging the KAI officials whenever they seize my mum's goods. On this fateful day I followed my mum to the market as usual,it has turned into a tradition for me to accompany her to the market whenever I return from school.......