in #mynextbirthdaylast year (edited)

Hello everyone, Happy Sunday and Happy New Month. i just got back from church and service was awesome, the choirs sang melodiously with the anointed word from the residence pastor. as our tradition in church, every first Sunday is holy communion so today's service was closed with the holy communion which is an obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ's last commandment "do this in remembrance of me".

source: google images

So as I came back from church the thoughts of my birthday getting closer hit me , which is actually the 5th day of next month. I have a lot of wish but I just want to celebrate it for me by myself.

First and foremost, I want to cake of many colors without icing on it with happy birthday and my name written on it. I want it be without icing because, the icing on cake most times makes it difficult for me to enjoy the real cake because of too much sugar in icing which I don't like. Of course wines and drinks will come with it. Then I also want to prepare jollof spagatti with a special garnishing of enough sliced carrots, green beans, onions, scattered smooked titus fish, grind cray fish, prawns, sliced fresh peppers and tomatoes and vegetables and then fried chicken or turkey on top.
photo credit: cake baker; how i wan my birthday to look like.

Secondly, I want to invite my uncle and his family, who as I speak now is on his way to see me today, my aunty and her family and a few friends to my house for a small house party and get together.
I also want to wear a light makeup on my birthday, even if I don't usually wear makeups, have just wear makeup twice in my life; the first was on my sister's wedding day and the second was on my boyfriend's first birthday after we meet, my wearing of makeup on my next birthday is also to surprise my boyfriend and make him happy because he has always wanted me to wear makeups.
second time of me wearing makeup

I will have my hair do and get a very nice dress with a pear of matching sneakers, I also want to use my next birthday as a medium for me and my two close family members and their families (i.e my uncle and my aunty) with my boyfriend to meet again. Also, I want to make sure that my mother is around for my next birthday because we have never been together as mother and daughter all these years for almost 8 years because I have been in school and immediately I graduated I settled down here in Benin.

When all of these my family member and friends arrive, I just want us to have fun, eat, drink, dance, sing, gist, play and pray.

After this little get together, in the night of my birthday, I just want to have a movie date with my boyfriend in a reserve cinema, for the movie to see I don't have any in mind now but if my boyfriend has any in mind I will go with his and if not we will go for any interesting and available movie showing that night.

After the movie night I just want to lodge in an hotel with my boyfriend to continue the fun and have a heart to heart lovers' talk till middle night with some ordered drinks and food and then sleep while curdling till d next morning. Thank God its a weekend so we don't have to rush to work the next morning so we can continue from where we stopped.


Dandannnnnn........ my uncle came visiting with his wife and four kids, so when they came i wanted to welcome them with a little food and drinks but my uncle said no need that I should get dress, we are going out, i was like really? he said we have no time because we are having evening service in church . i now hurried up, got dressed and bummm......, am ready lets go. We all got into the car and my uncle drove, everybody was like daddy where are we going to? but he didn't answer us, so we just stay put and enjoy the ride around town, but i knew in my mind we were going to somewhere nice so i didnt border. after some minutes of drive we got to a newly opened shopping mall in town called "ford mart". when we got there all of us were like woww....

we went inside and move to the drinks section and everybody picked their choice of drink, from there we moved to the ice cream section also everybody picked their choice of flavor, and the moved to the bakery section and picked their normal bread of 3 loaves, and then we went to the food section and then again everybody ordered their choice of rice of which me i ordered a mixture of jollof and fried rice with fried fish while others either ordered jollof or fried rice with chicken.

After we finished shopping, my uncle made payment and at point of making payment they introduced their discount card to my uncle which he applied for immediately and they activated it and we were given discount of what we shopped instantly.
We made our way back to my place when on the way i asked for my plate of rice and ice cream which they gave me and every other persons started eating their ice cream BUT BEFORE I COULD FINISH my ice cream i was already full so i couldn't eat the food again which i kept till later while other ate their own immediately we got back to my place.
It was a really good time i had today with my uncle and his family to eat on my table, i really enjoyed myself today.
when they were finally leaving with everybody telling me bye bye, i felt so lonely and I was already missing them and i even said they should spend the night but then they have to go home and prepare for school tomorrow, according to the mother some of them have not done their assignments plus they have to arrange their uniforms and shoes, bags and other things for school so they have to go home today and when they have finally gone, the next thing i said was "family is everything" because their presence melt a whole lot to me.