Thanksgiving Day Tradition


This Thanksgiving I decided it was time to start a holiday hunting tradition for myself and my sons. I wanted to do something we could do every year, something that was easy and fun. I wanted to do something that didn't take all morning so we could be home in time to prepare for lunch. I considered sitting in the deer stand or maybe going squirrel hunting but, I couldn't decide. So, I asked Aidan what he wanted to do. “Go duck hunting, Daddy,” was his response.

So, Thanksgiving morning we woke up at 3:45 and headed to a small pond that usually holds a few wood ducks. We were there plenty early and, as shooting time approached, the whistle of wings could be heard overhead. I missed an easy passing shot on a single hooded merganser but, I redeemed myself soon after with a double on a nice pair of woodies.

As always, the wood duck action was short lived. By 7:00 I had sent Aidan to the truck to fetch his kayak. I sat back under the limbs of a ancient live oak and watched him paddle out a retrieve the ducks. On the way home, he let me know that we should do this every Thanksgiving.

And so, a tradition was born.



Sounds like a great tradition. Your boy sure is a great kid too!

Thank you!