Kied is 9!

in #myboyis95 years ago

He had his party on Saturday :)


Everything for him is about wolves right now, the photo above is his new hat. He asked everyone for anything wolves and I don't think it's a terribly popular item right now because the hat is the only wolf he got. Good job on Dad for finding it.

As usual the party was 90% girls :) :) ....


And 90% Balloons


The boys decorated the whole house, and blew up all the balloons. I let them do whatever they wanted to, they went nuts (and I cringed at how much tape was being used lol).


The "K" Rocked. By Kied of course :)


Eddie always has a funny face to make for the camera. What a Ham.


Kied and his best friend, they both love drawing and are always teaching each other new ways of drawing, realistic, cute eyes, anime...and Wolves! She loves them too.





Has it really been 9 years since you came into our's unbelievable.


Such a kind, intelligent boy...soon to be young man. I'm blessed to be your Mother.

Lastly, Eating Cake without Hands :)





9! Wow!! Is right. Is he your youngest? Looks like a really fun party. Everyone looks so happy!! Nice job on finding the wolf hat dad! It's good he got one wolf item. It's funny no one could find a wolf poster 🐺

He already had a wolf poster lol, yep, those you can find! And I bet if we scoped out a small town corner store somewhere in the south of the province, we may have been able to find the ever popular wolf shirt hahahaa!!! I'm sure you know the one...

Happy Birthday Kiedis!!!!!

Thank you Michael, I'll pass it along to him <3<3<3

Happy birthday, Kied!

The last single number in your life kid.....Enjoy 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

There's not nearly enough cake on those faces..

what a nice party day!
so he is a girls' star I knew it!;)) they all, 3 of them, will always be girls' star, be ready for dozens of chasing ladies, dear;)))