Chrono Cross 2 game guide part 1

in #myanmar7 years ago

This is the best rpg game forever for me
it is called so Chrono Cross 2
ok now let start i show you all

  Chronocross 2 Walkthrough (Part 1) 

Just a note on things before the walkthrough in itself begins. Due to the size
of the game itself, the guide has been split into three parts. Part 1 is the
very beginning up to a certain spoilerific part of the game (you'll know when it
happens), Part 2 is that part up to disc 2, and Part 3 consists of all of disc

  1. With that, let's GET IT ON!~

VIa. Within a Dream

The game chooses an awfully good place to begin... in a dungeon that's merely a
figment of imagination. Or so you, as of now, believe. But yes, Serge must have
high self-esteem.

--- Dream Dungeon ~~ Home World ----------------------------

An elevator rises, carrying three people on it... Serge, Kid, and a random
person. That's right, Chrono Cross does that to you, but the person tends to
be named Leena, Poshul, Fargo, or Korcha. Either way, that person can usually
hold his or her own, plus you've got two physical powerhouses in Serge and
Kid... after some rambling in the form of the latter's speech, you're faced
with an immediate fork. The left merely leads to a balcony, so take a right.

In this next room, which is the founding center of the area, head up the
stairs on the left to work your way around the area. There's a Cybot here,
which can later be interpreted as something really hard, but I'll say now
that this is a good opportunity to become familiar with the overall system
that this game revolves around. As of now, Serge and Kid are much stronger
than they will be for quite awhile, so you might as well take advantage of

Moving on, work your way around the room, heading to the upper portion of
the room, and up into the upper-left room. Ignore the stairs on the right,
because that's a different story for a different day (or a few minutes,
actually, but please bear with my literary concepts), and just head up into
the room there. Inside, deactivate the crystal in front of you. Now that
"day" has come. The hours turned into seconds, eh? Right, I'll stop this
barrage of nonsense now.

Head into the previous room, and go up the stairs and to the left, onto the
central platform. You'll then be taken to the roof of the fort, where Kid
will remark at where you've come. Notice Serge is a silent protagonist yet?
Oh, SPOILERS WITHOUT WARNING. My bad; just follow the path and enter the
room there... you don't really get to enter, because after a very confusing
cutscene, you wake up.

--- Arni Village ~~ Home World ----------------------------

WHOOPS. What a dream. When Serge comes to, you'll find that Kid and whomever
else was with you is gone, and Serge only has 50 HP and three element slots.
So with that, once you've come to, feel free to walk around and enjoy the
sunshine, or lack thereof. The first thing that you'll want to do is examine
over near the bed to collect 200 G, and then examine the side of the room
over to the left to pick up a Tablet. And with that, you can shoo on out.

Inside, you'll meet Serge's mother Marge, who has a character portrait but
isn't going to join you. So DON'T FLOOD MY MAILBOX! Okay, head over to the
right to get out of this house, and outside you'll have plenty of places to
go other than talking to Leena at the pier. Start by heading to the left,
and you'll find a guy standing in front of a large sawfish. Talk to him, and
after he's done babbling about life, tell him that he's probably right, and
he'll give you a Komodo Scale. And yes, it does have very little value.

Head over to the screen on the left, and you can talk to old man Radius to
the north, and he'll train you. Actually, he'll kick your ass, but he will
give you some relatively decent instruction in the method of battling. After
you're done with him, head to the house on the right, examine the pot to
the right of the house itself, and you'll find an AquaBeam inside of it. Now
head on into the house, and follow the lower path down to the bottom of the
room and examine the picture there to collect a Cure element.

That having been done, return to the center of the village (the first screen
of the village itself in which you entered), and talk to the boy at the
upper right, using Square to show him the Komodo Scale. He'll want the scale,
and you get a choice. Give it to him for free, and he'll give you an Uplift
element, and a hint about a talking dog named Poshul. You'll completely pass
up the chance, and not even get money, if you charge him, so don't do that.
Once you do that, head into the house just above him.

Follow the bridges over to the right, and head down the stairs into the
basement, where you'll find a lone fisherman there. Talk to him, and he'll
go into a really long babble and end by giving you a Shark Tooth. With
that, leave this house and head to the house on the side of the last one,
which is actually a restaurant. How convenient. Head over to the right and
examine the barrel four times. I know, it seems pretty pointless since it is
just a barrel, but after the fourth time it'll give you an Uplift element.
Awesome to the max. Now head through the door on the right.

In here, examine the back door and open the chest there to get an Ivory
Helmet inside, and examine the bed at the upper part of the room for a
Heckran Bone. Very important! Now leave the restaurant and head to the area
on the left part of Arni Village, where Radius and his house were. Find the
pink dog around the back, and show her the Heckran Bone, and I'm serious
when I tell you that she (the dog) joins your party. That makes two party
members, and a useful ally for heading to Lizard Rock in a bit, so make
sure you get the dog hereby known as Poshul and give her some elements.

        Items:           Price:       Innate:       Level:
        Tablet           10 G         Red           1/0
        Cure             100 G        Blue          1/7
        Fireball         50 G         Red           1/7
        AquaBeam         50 G         Blue          1/7
        Medicine         15 G         Blue          2/0
        Antidote         15 G         Green         2/0

        Items:           Price:       Type:
        Ivory Dagger     40 G         Weapon
        Ivory Glove      40 G         Weapon
        Ivory Vest       40 G         Armor
        Ivory Mail       60 G         Armor
        Ivory Helmet     40 G         Accessory

And those are the items which can be purchased here. Anyway, that's pretty
much it for this place. Make sure that you talk with Leena on the pier
before you start running any place, and once you've done that, make sure
you've got most or all of the elements around here, to equip on Serge and
Poshul, and then supposing that you're ready, head out through the southeast
part of town, and then you're on the world map for the first time. Aren't
you just SO excited?

VIb. Getting a Necklace

So, just to recap, Leena is demanding that her silent protagonist of a
boyfriend go to Lizard Rock and get her some Komodo Scales, which he got from
dragons that he killed himself. She's such a difficulty, as is any other woman.
Oh wait, I never said that. Really, I didn't! Carrying on...

--- Cape Howl ~~ Home World ----------------------------

This is quite probably the shortest trip that you'll make to any one place
in the entire game. But all the same, on the world map, you've got three
destinations. To the east is Hydra Marshes, in where there is absolutely
nothing. To the southwest is Lizard Rock, which is your REAL next
destination. However, there are a couple little miniscule things to pick up
at Cape Howl, which is to the northwest. Just go to that peninsula looking
spot, and prepare to leave quickly.

First of all, the little holes in the ground are geysers, and stepping on
those will cause you to be hit by boiling water. I don't need to tell you
that's bad... hopefully. Anyway, there's a Heal element just a little up the
path and to the left, which is a slightly stronger version of Cure. And
further up you'll find an irrelevant little Bone. And if you feel like it,
you can go to the end of the area and to the peak, where Serge will carve
"Serge and Leena forever...". What a romantic. Alright, that's it. Let's go
to Lizard Rock now, shall we?

--- Lizard Rock ~~ Home World ----------------------------

A very colorful and vibrant looking place, much like plenty of other places
in the game. I'm just in a minority, but I think this place looks a lot
better than lots of places in PS2 games. Okay, but that's beside the point.
There's a rock in the way as you enter, so just mash X when you come in, to
drop it into the water. Then head down the path and over to the right a
little bit, where you'll find an enemy called a Beach Bum, blocking access to
a treasure chest. So that marks one of your first REAL battles in this game.

Naturally it's really easy, though. This place literally delivers no
challenge at all, as the only enemies, Beach Bum, Sand Squirt, and Komodo Pup
are so easy you don't even have to use Elements. Just mash X and you're done
with them. However, behind the Beach Bum that blocked the path is a Fireball
element, so that's not bad. But anyway, your main objective here is to find
three Komodo Pups on the screen, chase them down, beat 'em and get the scales
from 'em.

The first one is directly over to the left from here, but note that none of
'em will just run at you. This one will run up the cave set into the beach,
so to stop this, push the rock on the left of the cave over to the right, and
then move up, and into the water above. The Komodo Pup is here, so when it
notices you, it'll run back into the cave and get stuck. So then you get to
beat it, win an effortless battle, and collect your first Komodo Scale. And
that is a good thing... only two more to go!

Head to the screen on the left, and then head down the path to find some
steps leading into the water. Head into them and around, beating the mindless
Beach Bum there, and opening the treasure chest to collect a Tablet. Now
having done that, head up the hill on the upper side of the area, and take
it over to the left to find the second Komodo Pup. This one will just run all
over the place in a circle, so the only thing that you have to do is chase it
all over the place, fight it, and beat it. That's two out of three.

To collect some more stuff, head over to where you found the Komodo Pup first
standing, and head a little bit over to the left, and jump into the hole
there. That'll take up into the "upwater" portions of the center of the area.
There's a chest waiting right there, with a Bone in it, and if you try and
go into the cave above, you'll get attacked by a Beach Bum pretty quickly,
but if you take the path over on the left, there's a chest there containing
an Ivory Helmet, an accessory which can be equipped on either Serge or
Poshul for some defense/magic defense ups. Moving on.

Head back, jumping into that hole and moving up to the main path again, and
then head to the southeastern exit of that screen. From here you'll find a
Beach Bum down below, and beyond that, a rock. Push this rock into the water,
and it'll bring up a treasure chest with a Silver Loupe in it... sweet. But
as for getting the Komodo Pup, head up and jump to the green path above. Take
it up to the next screen, and then head down. Here you'll be above the
third to last screen. Go to the edge of this cliff, and when the Komodo Pup
comes right around to the center, jump him. Fight him, and... whoa there!

\ Boss: Mama Komodo Party: Serge, Poshul \
Attacks: HP - 160 ||
- SquirtGun Innate - Blue ||
- Breath Difficulty - Easy ||
- AquaBeam ||
This fight is just simply... not that hard. At all. The Mama Komodo
consists of some occasional physical attacks, but those are just not that
damaging. Her most powerful attack, Breath, will deal about 20 damage to
both Serge and Poshul, but that's only dangerous if you're dangerously low
on HP to start with. Handle this fight with physical attacks, and when you
finish that, pull off some Elements, preferably Fireball. Just don't let
her turn the whole Element Field blue, and you don't run much danger of
losing the fight, even if you don't have Poshul (shame on you).

And with that, you have collected your third Komodo Scale. So you can leave
for Opassa Beach any time you want. The exit to this place is on the screen
with the large circle, in which you chased the Komodo Pup around everywhere.
But anyway, it's on the far upper left. You'll be back on that world map, and
all you have to do is take a couple steps toward the southwest, and you're
here at the REAL shortest stop in the game.

--- Opassa Beach ~~ Home World ----------------------------

When you arrive here, head over to the left and Leena will come in through
Lizard Rock. Amazing that she as a girl would go through there, since girls
tend to hate lizards, but anyway... she takes the Komodo Scales gratefully,
and then starts talking about her and Serge's past. When you get a choice,
say that you remember the day she's talking about, and then that you'll never
forget this day. As she's about to tell you something, Serge starts hearing a
voice calling him.

This doesn't seem to take Leena as any shock, as she isn't even in the next
cutscene at all, but then Serge looks toward the ocean, remembers some things
in his past, as well as a black panther, and then collapses as he is
enveloped in green and black light. And when he wakes up, an old man finds
him. Apparently Leena went back to the village... very odd. Something's
completely weird about everything now, and that's also very evident if you
go to the world map. Different music... oh well, to Lizard Rock.

VIc. A Different World

Serge was enveloped in green light, woke up when an old man found him, and
Leena's gone. Poshul's still there, but something's just... different about this
world. Especially the world map music... but oh well. Lizard Rock's the place.

--- Lizard Rock ~~ Another World ----------------------------

The first inconsistency that you'll notice here, is that red fish are
swimming in the air. These are Opah Fish, and they're new enemies, which
still aren't large threats, but they're much more dangerous than everything
else here. If you have AquaBeam allocated to anyone, here's a good place to
use it, since they're red elementals. But anyway, when you get to the eastern
side of this screen, take the southeastern exit out. On this screen you'll
even notice that there's a chest guarded by an Opah Fish, below.

So... inconsistencies everywhere. Told you that it's another world... after
you're done with that battle, pick up the measly Bone in the chest there.
Now take the path over to the right up, and on the first/last screen of this
place, you'll find a Komodo Pup (!?) guarding an Ivory Helmet. That's
pretty much the 'other' Lizard Rock, so take the northeast exit to step onto
this different world map, and enter Arni Village. Like I keep saying, it's
another world!

--- Arni Village ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Different music... you know what that means. And if you talk to everyone
here, no one will recognize you. Like I said, different world, different
treasure. Head on over to the left, where Radius's house is, and examine the
pot near the house again for a TurnRed element. Inside the house itself,
head over to the picture frame and examine it for a Tablet. Also if you
speak around, you'll find that Radius is no longer the chief... he's been
replaced by some guy named Gonji. And Radius isn't even here, so...

Head back to the main screen of the village, and if you want you can enter
Serge's house, which is the first house on the right. And as you can guess,
Marge doesn't live here anymore. Feel free, however, to go to Serge's room,
and for 100G a Komodo Pup will let you rest there. Such a weird world. And
as you exit, the owner of the house and Poshul will have a bit of an
argument, but eh well. It's just a different world. Exit the house and head
in to Leena's house, which is the next house on the right.

There's not much in here, except Leena's grandmother, who doesn't know you,
and a PhotonRay in the bucket near Poshul's doghouse. The next house, over
to the right, was the fisherman's house in the Home World's Arni Village,
but the fisherman is now a lunatic praying to a doll and three cat statues
every day, and his family hates him. Also feel free to show him that Shark
Tooth you got from the 'other' him, and he'll tell you a bit about his life,
but it won't do anything... yet.

Over to the next and last house, which is the restaurant. The FIRST thing you
want to do, is examine the pot over to the right, which was a barrel in the
Home World. Speak to that piece o' crap four times, and it'll give you an
IceLance. That's a very good Element (one of the best of all the 2/6s), and
what's more, it's even your first 2/6. So allocate it immediately, since...
well, it RAWKS. And in the other room, enter the closet to find a suitcase
containing a Tablet. Here's at least one decent place in the whole village.

Time for the most depressing part of the place. Head to the pier and talk to
Leena, who also doesn't recognize you, but she'll tell you about the boy who
used to live next door, in which you can select either choice to that. His
name was Serge, and he drowned 10 years ago, with Marge also passing away.
Tell her "I'm Serge!!!" and she'll blow up at you, but she'll tell you that
his grave is on Cape Howl, so... you're off to visit your own grave. Leave
Arni Village and head northwest, and it's another Cape Howl.

--- Cape Howl ~~ Another World ----------------------------

A nice, sweet sunset to cap this place off. Head up the path and over to the
left, where you'll find an ElectroJolt, which is another 2/6 element, which
happens to be yellow, meaning Poshul can use it fairly well. Over to the
right, climbing up the ladder, is another meager little Bone, so just keep
that in and head up, fighting some Beach Bums if you want, but then heading
towards the end of the cliff. I like to think of this as Serge wanting to
commit suicide, but that's just because my mind is weird.

Three guys will come along, who are after Serge for some reason. Ironic that
that is, because no one in this world knows who he is. They'll even kick
Poshul into the water while they're at it... CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, I SAY!
However, a mysterious girl will come along, who has a distinct Australian
accent. And of course, you're not exactly gonna go with these guys, so...

\ Boss: Karsh / Solt / Peppor Party: Serge, Girl \
Attacks (Karsh): HP - 115 ||
- physical attack Innate - Green ||
- DragonRider Difficulty - Easy ||
Attacks (Solt): HP - 52 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
Attacks (Peppor): HP - 60 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
This is the easiest fight in the entire game. I'm serious, this is just so
pitifully easy, it almost makes me want to weep. The fight will start soon
with Solt saying that Serge is a white elemental, but no one has any black
elements, so... that sucks for them. All that Solt and Peppor will do is
physically attack for 2-3 damage apiece, and considering that Serge has 60+
HP and the Girl has 55 or so, that's not much. Plus, I forgot to mention
the Girl.

She has Fireball and almost MagmaBomb, which is the 2/6 red element. It
does about 20 damage each to Solt and Peppor, and 15 damage to Karsh. So
that's not bad at all. What I would do is just have Serge and Kid both
attack Solt, and use elements like IceLance or Fireball at Peppor. And
very, very soon, you'll have both Solt and Peppor taken out. Karsh is
stronger than both of them put together, but that doesn't say very much.
His attacks are only worth 5-6 damage or so, and he has more HP, but he'll
still go down very quickly. And that's another effortless Star Level.

And with that, the girl will complain about those guys a bit, and then
introduce herself as Kid. Not your average name, but it'll work. She'll then
offer to travel with you, but trust me, REFUSE. Not saying she's bad or
anything, but if you refuse her now, then you can get her a little later,
plus a new character which you would miss otherwise. So REFUSE TO GO WITH
KID. Too bad, though, turning down girls. Poshul will regroup with you, and
you'll automatically go back to what was Serge's house.

--- Arni Village ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Leena will meet you here, and immediately choose to go with you, because
she feels a bit sorry for Serge, and wants to help him, since she's going to
Termina anyway. See, she's nicer than she was in the Home World, I guess
Serge himself was just a bad influence. Now you'll have to equip everyone
--- Fossil Valley ~~ Another World ----------------------------

The Acacia dragoons at the entrance will let you through no problem, so don't
worry about them. Pretty much the only enemies down here are the Bubba Dingo
and the Mama Dingo, which are fairly easy, but note that if you kill a Bubba
Dingo, the Mama Dingo will use Strengthen on herself, and might be a little
dangerous. IceLance is a godsend against them, though. Follow the path over
to the left, fighting a couple of them on the way, and then head up the hill
to find a dragoon there.

Tell him that you're the people he sent for, and then climb up the ladder
there. Apparently there's a really weird noise up here, and he wants it to
stop. And believe him, the noise is a weird moaning. Talk to the soldier
above, and then head just a bit north, and a skeleton head will jump at you
and tell you to help him find his body. This game just gets weirder and
weirder, so don't mind him. Offer to help him, and that's the noise taken
care of, plus a weird item.

With the head now in your possession, head down and over across the path to
the left. Ignore the skeletal path that's leading down, because we'll come
back to that in a second. Head up from there, and if you want, fight the
Drongo in the way, but don't blame me if you fight a Dodo too, because those
are just downright evil. At the end of the path, you'll find a Bellflower,
which you'll use soon, but just bear with me for now. Now head down to that
skeletal path, which is a ladder.

A soldier will warn you not to go down there since there's a monster below,
but eh well, that's life. Just continue going, and then you'll find a Dodo
itself. This bird is VERY dangerous, and quite a tough enemy. Get hit by its
Peck attack (70 damage or so), and you might be a goner. However, you can
scratch by, by getting the Big Egg, and then it'll go ape crap on you, and
probably fight you, but you can escape and quickly climb up the ladder. It
is kind of nice to know that you've beaten the toughest enemy the game will
throw at you for a while, though.

Now that we've pretty much wrapped this place up, head back up and then over
to the right, and back down to the main area. Continue over to the left,
making sure that your party has full HP, and you'll find Solt and Peppor at
the exit. You don't REALLY think that these guys will be tough, having
beaten that Dodo, do you? Well, I'll provide a boss strategy anyway.

\ Boss: Solt / Peppor Party: Serge, Poshul, Leena \
Attacks (Solt): HP - 52
- TurnBlack Innate - Yellow
- LoRes Difficulty - Easy
- Sommersolt
Attacks (Peppor): HP - 60
- Strengthen Innate - Yellow
- Pepporbox Difficulty - Easy
- CrossCut
This fight starts similarly to the last one; Solt will use TurnBlack on
Serge, but he forgot that it wasn't an attack, it's just something that
makes him more susceptible to white elements, of which he has none. What
a dumbass. However, I have to admit that this fight is harder than the
last one. You might want to finish one or the other quickly, because they
actually have some decent attacks.

Solt uses LoRes to decrease a character's defense, and Peppor uses
Strengthen to increase his offense, so a character like Leena could very
easily succumb. It makes matters worse that Peppor has a unique Tech called
Pepporbox, which can do up to 60 damage on Leena. It's even worse when Solt
is alive, and he uses CrossCut, which is particularly dangerous. Solt has his
own attack, Sommersolt, but that's just pitiful. What I did was use TurnRed
and IceLance on Solt, and concentrated virtually everything else on Peppor,
and won quickly. Just keep your HP up and you'll win with relative ease.

That measly fight marks the beginning of the character techs, since it gives
you the third star. Now Serge has the very powerful Dash&Slash, Poshul has
the cute looking K9-Ball, and Leena the... sorta eh MaidenHand. Who cares
about Mojo either way. But anyway, Termina's just to the northwest... don't
bother going north to Viper Manor, or east to the woods.

--- Termina ~~ Another World ----------------------------

And when you enter this place, you'll find a knight talking to a woman who
sells flowers, to some disappointment to the knight. And with that, the
happy-happy theme starts. It kinda rubs me the wrong way, but oh well, maybe
you'll be more lucky. Head up the stairs right at the entrance, and you'll
meet none other than Kid there. She was apparently waiting for you, and after
gawking at you a bit, she'll disappear.

Head up the stairs, and to the right you'll find Lisa's Element Shop. After
she and Leena have a bit of a talk about her love interest in her "cousin",
Serge, you'll get to buy some elements. Let's just hope you have some money

        Items:           Price:       Innate:       Level:
        Tablet           10 G         Red           1/0
        Medicine         15 G         Blue          2/0
        Ointment         15 G         Red           2/0
        Antidote         15 G         Green         2/0
        Brace            15 G         Yellow        2/0
        Cure             100 G        Blue          1/7
        Heal             100 G        Green         2/6
        Fireball         50 G         Red           1/7
        MagmaBomb        80 G         Red           2/6
        AquaBeam         50 G         Blue          1/7
        IceLance         80 G         Blue          2/6
        Bushwhacker      50 G         Green         1/7
        AeroSaucer       80 G         Green         2/6
        Uplift           50 G         Yellow        1/7
        ElectroJolt      80 G         Yellow        2/6

Leave Lisa's Element Shop and head up the stairs, to hear some old guy
talking about polishing Lord Viper's statue. Talk to him about it, and he'll
tell you about the occurring festival, and how wonderful Viper Manor is.
He'll mention how beautiful it is, yet how strong the guards are, and then
Kid will overhear, and tell you that you have to sneak in there somehow,
to find out why Karsh was after Serge and stuff. She offers to go with you
again, and this time, ACCEPT!

Put Kid in your party now, along with Leena/Poshul, and she'll give you a
Tele-Porter, so at save points you can switch your party members. As for
Kid, she's got the Lv. 3 tech Pilfer, which steals an item from an enemy.
But anyway, sneaking into Viper Manor requires a guide, and there are three
to choose from. However, that guide will join you as a character, and there
is no way to get the other two. So choose wisely. Here is how to recruit

 Guile: Go into the bar, and speak with the man in the white robes to the
        far left. He's having a bet with the fortune teller, so he'll agree
        to come if you want him to.

 Nikki: Head to the western part of Termina, past the bar, and to the far
        left. Up these pink stairs, head into the first door there and talk
        to the guy on the right. Miki will come in, and ask you to help find
        Nikki, which you can agree to.

Pierre: Go over to the far eastern part of Termina, past Lisa's Element
        Shop, and into the "Smithy" building there. Head over to the second
        screen, and talk to the man with the long blond hair, who happens to
        be Pierre. He's lost his Hero's Medal, so he can't get into Viper
        Manor, so to remedy this, head out through the southern exit, and
        talk to the boy in the backyard. Wow, that was hard... give the
        medal to Pierre and he'll help you.

In my opinion, Guile is awesome, Nikki is meh, and Pierre is absolutely
horribly pathetic. I cannot stress enough that Guile will help you through
the early portion of the game, but I'll cover all three paths to Viper Manor,
mainly because I'm SO incredibly kind. However, I WILL assume that you use
Guile from section VIh onward. So just make sure that you get Guile, cuz his
tech WandaIn is magnificent.

With that done, head over to the left of Lord Viper's statue, and talk to
the guy hiding there. Tell him that you understand him, and he'll give you
the Tea for Three frame... decent. Now head over to the eastern part of
Termina, and if you want, cross the street to the right to find some kids
staring at a mermaid, but a guy named Korcha will come around and throw rocks
at them, just cuz he's pissed. After seeing that, head up and into the

I strongly suggest forging a Copper Swallow for Serge, and possibly a Bronze
Dagger for Kid if you have the materials, because trust me they will come in
handy. There's nothing else here, so go back to that street and to the far
east. In that next area, head down and an old man will tell you not to
disturb the shrines. It's just old people and their "disturbances", I tell
ya. Take the path forward and around, then cross the water to find that
knight from earlier, and a young woman.

The knight, whose name is Glenn, needs a bellflower for his prayer, so if
you got one from Fossil Valley, he'll ask you for it. You can give it to him
for free to be a chum, or ask for up to 99G. Might as well do that, in any
case. After that, the lady, whose name is Riddel, will talk about how her
father is in anguish, Karsh is after some ghost hunt, and some beastly guest
has arrived at the manor. But anyway, it's pretty much time to go at this
point. Of course, I do assume you have Guile, so this will be your stuff:

   Level 1: PhotonRay, Cure
   Level 2: Uplift, AquaBeam
   Level 3: PhotonRay, Dash&Slash

   Level 1: Uplift, Fireball
   Level 2: ElectroJolt, MagmaBomb
   Level 3: AeroSaucer, Pilfer

   Level 1: Bushwhacker
   Level 2: MagmaBomb
   Level 3: IceLance, WandaIn

When you're ready to go, head to where you met Glenn and Riddel, and follow
where they went out, under the building, and to the left to meet Korcha.
And it turns out, he'll take you to Viper Manor for 100 G. Pay him up, and
we begin Guile's path into Viper Manor.

VIe. Guile's Path Inside

So... between Guile, Nikki, and Pierre, you chose Guile. So in other words, you
have picked the right choice. His absolutely remarkable WandaIn tech will
really, really help you. Plus you get good music.

--- Viper Manor Bluffs ~~ Another World ----------------------------

This music is pretty damn sweet. Might as well appreciate it while you're
here. After a brief talk with Korcha, head over to the right, and across
the water there. Climb up the ladder, and when you reach the next screen, an
Acacia dragoon will see you coming and start dropping boulders down. So...
as you go along these bluffs, you might want to avoid them. Also, a lot of
ladders have water running beside them, and if you just climb into that,
you will oftentimes get splashed off. So time climbing carefully.

When you come up, heading over to the right and start climbing the ladder,
only to get attacked halfway by a Loch Nest. There are Gobledygooks pretty
much all over the place in addition to that, so just keep a look out for
enemies. After you're done climbing the ladder, you'll find a Heal element...
old news, blah blah blah. Climb back down, and trust me, let the water take
you down. You'll land on a spot right above where Korcha dropped you off,
and you get a PhotonRay with it. So it's worth it. ;)

Climb down to the ground, and then start climbing up one huge ladder. When
you reach the top o' that baby, there'll immediately be another short one to
climb. Now head over to the right, and let the water flowing down the ladder
give you a shower down below, where you'll get a Piece of Crap. Or if you
want the scientific term, a Tablet, but hey, why get all technical? Climb
back up to that ladder, then going all the way up, you'll find no less than
three ladders. Ugh, just looking at ladders now makes my face hurt.

Head over to the ladder on the far left, and climb it up to find a Meteorite
element at the top. It's a very good element; I personally replaced it with
Serge's level 3 PhotonRay. Now climb all the way back down (OH MY POOR FACE)
and note that the ladder on the right has nothing, so that at least takes the
pain in my face down to a certain degree. So anyways, climb up the middle
ladder, only to get jumped on by a Loch Nest on your way, and when you recap,
climb up just a little bit to get on a walkway.

Now head over to the left, where you'll find a reaaaaalllly long ladder.
Face pain = 96% at this point. But anyhow, to get up there, you need to time
it exactly right. Get to a spot where the water is there but kind of thin,
and as it wears down, start climbing up. And by the time the faucets have
activated again, you'll just baaarely be above it. Keep climbing, getting
jumped on by a Loch Nest on the way, and at the top, claim a very weird
Element called the FreeFall Trap. Just wait until you find an enemy that
uses FreeFall... that's really all you can do.

The only thing you can do here is climb ALLLL the way back down that massive
ladder. Gah... now just return to the primary ladder, and to the ledge at
the bottom. So now you have one ladder in the middle, which leads to a Loch
Nest jumping at you, and a ladder on the right... don't worry, it's almost
over. There are two walkwawys along the path of the ladder on the right, with
the second being accessed by a different, tiny alternate ladder. Climbing
all the way up gets you a grand, glorious dead end.

Now take the path over to the left a little, climbing up only to get attacked
by two Acacia PVTs. Now for some strange reason in which I will never be
able to comprehend, this is treated as a boss fight, and you'll get a Star
Level afterwards. But it's still a cakewalk. Just ace through them with
Elements, and then the private will get attacked by a beast. Might as well
allocate some new elements, climb up, and fight it...

\ Boss: KingMoaman / BlueMoaman / RedMoaman / Party: Serge, Kid, Guile \
Attacks (KingMoaman): HP - 245 ||
- physical attack Innate - Black ||
- Gravitonne Difficulty - Medium ||
- TwinTurbo ||
Attacks (BlueMoaman): HP - 145 ||
- physical attack Innate - Blue ||
- Nimble Difficulty - Medium ||
- IceSword ||
Attacks (RedMoaman): HP - 145 ||
- physical attack Innate - Red ||
- Strengthen Difficulty - Medium ||
- FireSword ||
This is how all fights in Chrono Cross should be -- a good challenge, not
that easy, not that hard. And it IS your first real challenge in this game,
as well. For starters, you've got three enemies, and they serve a relative
danger. KingMoaman, the leader, can chain physical attacks up to three times
against any one character, so that may add up to 40 damage or so. His
Gravitonne is similar, with about 50 damage to one character. What you
REALLY need to worry about is the absolutely lethal TwinTurbo, which can be
used if all three members are alive. That is hella dangerous, and it'll
deal 90-100 damage if used on Serge. So stay alert here.

As for the BlueMoaman and RedMoaman, they use Nimble and Strengthen
respectively on KingMoaman, to increase his evasion/strength. But what your
primary concern is, is that you knock one of them out as quickly as you can.
BlueMoaman's IceSword is absolutely fatal if used on Kid, but I like to go
for RedMoaman first, simply because IceLance is more powerful than MagmaBomb,
plus you can use MagmaBomb whenever you want to damage both BlueMoaman and
KingMoaman, as long as the RedMoaman is gone. So this is a fight to be won

Serge with either Dash&Slash or Meteorite on RedMoaman works very well, plus
whomever has IceLance, as well as Guile's WandaIn. FireSword should really only
do 30 damage or so to whomever it hits, so don't worry about it. When he's
gone, concentrate all of Kid's efforts on BlueMoaman, especially strong
Fireballs, or MagmaBomb. And soon enough you'll be left alone with KingMoaman,
hopefully not having suffered through TwinTurbo. PhotonRay, Meteorite,
Dash&Slash... use it all here. Just make sure you keep your HP above 50 or so
if you possibly can, since KingMoaman can be very dangerous. Good luck here.

So... at the top, Kid will tell you to rest, and then you'll see a scenario
showing you the full glamor of Viper Manor itself. And you've made it in...
so skip over to section VIh and let's rock on.

VIf. Nikki's Path Inside

So... between Guile, Nikki, and Pierre, you chose Nikki. Not the choice that I
would make, but still, Nikki isn't half bad. Kind of weak, but he'll have his
uses. And hey, at least you didn't choose Pierre. After you've talked with the
man and Miki, enter Shadow Forest.

--- Shadow Forest ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Hardly scary... the music even adds to the fact that this place doesn't
deserve such an intimidating title. Just head across this empty, barren pool
to the next screen, and then head up the hill to find an AeroSaucer element
at the top. You may have to fight some Bulbs on the way, but they set a new
standard for pure, defined easiness. There's a fork almost immediately there,
with up leading absolutely nowhere, so down is pretty much the only option

And there you'll find Nikki across the water, acting like a nutcase, and then
jumping up and leaving. Follow the path to the left over and into the next
screen, picking up the Uplift element on the way there. And in this next
area, you'll find Nikki getting attacked by demons. Prolly cuz he pissed
everyone off by singing, but eh well. Help him out, and the fight starts with
them beating Nikki up a bit, but then you can join in and slaughter them with
green elements. You even get a Star Level for that pushover of a fight.

But anyhow, Nikki doesn't even thank you for helping him; he just jumps into
his underwater cave down below. Might as well follow... head around the path
to the left and over to the right, entering the cave. You'll meet him in
there, and this time he'll actually speak to you properly, but he'll want to
go to Viper Manor with you, because his sister's there. So after that, don't
listen to his song, but hear, hear that you need to feed the big plant
blocking the way to Viper Manor a monster, which has to be lured. Bleh.
Before doing that though, head back in the cave.

Open the treasure chest to find an Aroma Pouch, and examine the notebook,
and you'll find an Angry Scapula mixed up in there. That's part of that
skeleton head's body, so it's a fairly important item. Hang on to that one.
Now leave the cave, and prepare to do something REALLY annoying. Head into
the water just to the right of the monster, and up over to the plant on the
very far right. Examine it, and a seed will start following you. Now go back
into the cave. yawn

Approach the teal looking monster at the upper side of the cave, but don't
let it get too close to the seed. Keep moving at a reasonable pace so that
the seed follows you, but doesn't get eaten by the monster. Then approach
the large plant monster outside, and you'll have to fight it, none other than
the Quadffid. It's just more easiness, slightly harder, but still a pushover.
Once it's gone, head past it to get jumped on by none other than Solt and
Peppor. Yep, these guys are back, along with a dragoon similar to Karsh, so
he's at a bit of a higher level, if you know what I mean. Boss time.

\ Boss: Zoah / Solt / Peppor Party: Serge, Kid, Nikki \
Attacks (Zoah): HP - 200 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- DragonRider Difficulty - Easy ||
Attacks (Solt): HP - 80 ||
- LoRes Innate - Yellow ||
- HiRes Difficulty - Easy ||
- Sommersolt ||
- Golem ||
Attacks (Peppor): HP - 90 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- Strengthen Difficulty - Easy ||
- EagleEye ||
- Pepporbox ||
- CrossCut ||
Well... if I had to give them something it would have to be that they're at
the very least a LITTLE harder than they were before. That isn't saying much,
though... this is a pushover much like all the rest of them. And it'll even
start out with Solt about to use the super powerful Golem spell, but this
field isn't yellow, and it's wasted at this point, so... you're good. As you
can see by the attacks, things aren't much different.

Take one out at a time, preferably starting with Solt since he has the least
HP, assaulting him with Dash&Slash, AeroSaucer, and GrandFinale. Hopefully you
can take him out before he and Peppor pull off CrossCut again, but don't worry
too much about that. Zoah isn't that bad, only doing some meager physical
attacks and DragonRider, which is only about 30 damage at most. So in other
words... easy fight.

And you even conclude with good music... coupled wtih Zoah letting you
through like the good, honorable dragoon that he is. I guess the music is
your consolation prize for not picking Guile, but a congratulation prize
for not picking Pierre. Pick up the Heal element on the way, and enter the
tree. Inside, it's one long watery path which will hopefully be spent
avoiding bugs. Pick up the MagmaBomb element in the treasure chest on your
way through, though.

In the next area, head up the hill on the left and beat the Wraith there.
Not your average enemy (and your first black elemental so far), but it's
not that bad as long as you use Serge. When it's gone, push the rock below
it into the hole there, and that'll stop the atrocious lot of bugs from
littering the path. Walk forward, which is a bit slow due to the current,
but you'll survive. And from there, rant to yourself about how you can't get
the treasure chest above, and head in. You're inside a well... cya later.

VIg. Pierre's Path Inside

So... between Guile, Nikki, and Pierre, you chose Pierre. In my opinion that was
a very bad choice. Why? Because Pierre is weak, an idiot, and barely serves any
use in the long run. Not to mention his lv. 3 tech... oh well. Let's carry on.
Just go right to Viper Manor.

--- Viper Manor ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Head up to the door, and Pierre will talk to the soldiers, only to get
quickly dismissed as a street performer. To make things easier, when he
returns to talk with you, think up a plan. Pierre runs at the gates looking
nuts, and then the gates will open, and you get attacked, twice. Basically
two fights, both are pushovers, the second one is treated as a boss fight,
and drops two Meteorite elements. Make sure you get at least one equipped,
since they seriously rock. Carry on, and you meet none other than...

\ Boss: Solt / Peppor / Ketchop Party: Serge, Kid, Pierre \
Attacks (Solt): HP - 80 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- LoRes Difficulty - Easy ||
Attacks (Peppor): HP - 90 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- Strengthen Difficulty - Easy ||
Attacks (Ketchop): HP - 260 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- FlameKnock Difficulty - Easy ||
This time, Solt and Peppor are actually serious, but they bring along a friend
who's even dumber than they are. Or even more of a goddamn idiot than Pierre,
if that's at all possible. Of course, they demonstrate how stupid everyone is,
when Ketchop attacks Serge for about 450 damage, and then after a few turns,
Solt casts Revive on him, so that they can demonstrate how awesome Ketchop is.
Wow... and I thought I was a moron.

Anyway, my recommendation is that you focus everything on Solt. Don't worry;
for one thing, Ketchop is slow as molasses, and for another, his attacks only
do 15-20 per hit; they're nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, focus everything
you have on Solt, including elements like AeroSaucer, and then Ketchop will
use an attack called FlameKnock, in which he pounds Peppor into a ball, pulls
Solt into a bat, and uses them to beat the crap out of one character... at the
expense of Solt and Peppor themselves. Hopefully it isn't Serge... just heal
up, and finish this pathetic mongrel off.

With that, Pierre will recommend that you rest until night. And you do that
to conclude Pierre's path... oh well, enjoy going through Viper Manor with

VIh. The Manor and the Poison

Made it into Viper Manor, eh? With one of three guides, one of which is
hopefully named Guile? Either way, you're about to traverse this place, so have

--- Viper Manor ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Depending on which way you came in, you may be on one screen with a large
building in front of you (Guile's path), a fork with the upper path going
little to nowhere and the right going to that building (Nikki's path), or
starting to get to that fork, far behind (Pierre's path). If you're on one
of the latter two, fight some enemies if you want, since these are actually
decent foes, or if you're on the former, which I will assume from hereon,
head north and into the building.

Feel free to save, but otherwise follow the path and talk with the old guy
on the right. As it seems, he wants you to feed the dragons, which isn't as
dangerous as it sounds. All you have to do is get some food from the left
(up to three at a time), and when a dragon starts moving, press X on it.
Restock on the food over to the left if you want, and with 10 snacks fed to
the dragons, you'll get the Knee Pad, and can examine the cupboard at the
upper right for the Manor Key. Or keep on feeding the dragons... it's a
tough task, but here are the rewards.

  10 times: Knee Pad
  20 times: Bronze Helmet
  30 times: Bronze Mail
  40 times: RecoverAll
  100 times: Iron Vest

My only advice for feeding them one freaking hundred times is that you keep
a good eye on the two dragons on the right. Start there and move to the
left, or you'll have them all angry very quickly, and then it's pretty much
impossible. But anyway, supposing you got what you came for (including the
snazzy RecoverAll element), head outside and back up front to Viper Manor's
doors themselves. After beating the guards, we're finally inside. That's
always the first step, you have to understand.

Inside, head to the door right ahead, which Kid and Guile dismiss as a trick
door at first, but yeah, there has to be some way to open it. Examine the
strange thingamajig to the left, and fiddle with it to no avail except to
be dropped into a hole. That's just wonderful, it was a trap. And you even
land in a cage guarded by dragoons... there's no end to how wonderful it is.
After Kid plays around with insults a bit, it's another easy battle. Move on,
I say.

The three will disguise themselves as Acacia dragoons, so you can walk all
over the place without being seen... I just love disguises. Anyway, there's
downstairs, which is fairly useless as all there is down there is a treasure
chest that, much like pretty much any other chest here, is a fight with the
Boxer Boys. You have to attack either Big Boxer or Lil Boxer, and if you
choose correctly, you get a treasure, otherwise you have to fight. So...
they're not really worth it.

Instead of heading into the basement, head to the right. Talk with the two
guards in front of the treasure vault, and you'll ask you to say the
password. Actually, the password is just standing there in silence, so don't
answer any of them. And with that, enter and Kid will get all happy inside.
First of all, ignore the treasure chest, and examine the displays above for
a Bronze Sword, a Bronze Mail, and a Hero's Shield. And if you examine the
vase, you'll get a bathroom joke of an enemy called a Potty to deal with,
and after it's gone, a TurnRed element. Ehhh...

Examine the candle on the wall there, which is an obvious trap, but just
grab it anyway, to collect a Silver Pendant. But anyway, inside you'll meet
the scientific genius of Viper Manor, named Luccia, who will let you out only
for you to become her guinea pigs... and she'll sic two Neo N-Bulbs after
you. They're complete, absolute pushovers, but this too is treated as a boss
fight for some sad reason. So polish that all off, and Luccia will just let
you roam free.

But hey, at least you have a new Star Level now... might as well check your
stats and new Element Grid slots. Before leaving, though, talk with the
animal on the left twice, and open the cage quietly. Then speak with Luccia,
and get out of here. The door immediately on the right here has an eyeball
on it, so to avoid fighting an enemy, wait for the eyeball to close before
entering. And inside is just another room filled with displays. Oh WOW, now
THIS is unfamiliar!

Either way, examine the wall and take the Decor Shield, and then examine the
statue above to give it a shield and get attacked by five Men-Of-War. These
black elementals can actually add some damage up, so take them out one at a
time, quickly. There's nothing else here, so get out of this room and head
up the stairs on the right. From this next, inconsistent hall, you can enter
the first room on the right if you want, although there's nothing in there
except a treasure chest you can't open, and Zoah, whom you may have already
met. It's interesting to ask him some questions, though.

Next door is Karsh's room, and he has some questions you can ask him, too,
about things that are going on. Examine the chest above, and after seven
different unique responses, he'll start counting how many times he tells you
to stop. If you try and open it no less than 20 times, he gets so annoyed
that he'll just give it to you. It contains a Dragoon Gauntlet, which is a
pretty sweet accessory. And now, for easiest access, return to the hallway,
and head to the far left to return back to the foyer, and just fall into the
trap again to make things quick.

At this left-right fork, go to the left and enter the first room there.
You'll also find Glenn there, talking about the code for the door you saw
earlier. He'll leave, so just pick up the Dragoon's Honor at the upper part
of the room, and to the left, examine the cupboard for a TurnGreen element.
Exit the room through either door, and enter the room on the far left in the
hallway. Talk to Glenn again, and when he moves, examine the wall to find
out what the code is. It's random, so... just remember it.

Open the case on the left side of the room to find a Revive element. This is
an absolutely CRUCIAL element, so stick it on Serge on whomever else in post
and in haste. With that in order, leave this room after saving if you wish,
and head to the left. Now follow through this hallway and reach the Roborg
at the end, this time choosing to bust it up. It's a decent opponent, but
not one to make you cry for the end of the world. After it's done, you're
back in the foyer.

Head over to the knob at the left of the door, and enter the code into it
to get it to open. On another hand, if you fought the Roborg and it dropped
an ElectroBolt element, allocate it immediately, since it's another 4/4
element. It also helps if you have IceBlast, which BlueMoaman might have
dropped. Now head up the stairs behind that door, where you'll once again
have a fork. Might as well head over to the left and cross the walkway into
the library.

Move up either set of stairs and talk to the little girl there, whose name
is Marcy. She'll pretty much explode in your face, but then a prophet will
come down and start explaining some things. Serge went through an event in
his life in which he had a 50-50 chance of death, and this put his soul in
the line of fate: Another World, where you are now, is an alternate reality,
where in Home World, Serge is alive and prosperous, and in Another World,
Serge is a ghost. So you'll have to move on to discover some more things in
this puzzle, but the girl Marcy won't let you. And yes, she IS a dragoon.

\ Boss: Marcy Party: Serge, Kid, Guile \
Attacks: HP - 525 ||
- physical attack Innate - Blue ||
- Cat'sCradle Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- IceBlast ||
- CurePlus ||
Believe it or not, Marcy is actually a relatively dangerous enemy. She
isn't the hardest enemy in the game, but she can actually rack up some

this is the not ended
I try to another way.
Thanks you all of friend


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