My 2018 - This is my Hobby: Yoga inside and outside the Mat

in #my20187 years ago

I wanted to write about this long ago and now i have to thank i got the perfect chance. I want to tell you about my hobby and my passion. It is well known around the world and it is Yoga. Yoga changed my life and im still changing because of it.

This is me in La Llovizna Park in my hometown. Our favourite place to do yoga outdoors

Here im in front of the waterfalls (blue mat) in La Llovizna Park making a photo session with the teacher (pink mat) and two other girls after our sunday class

Since im a little girl i always felt passion about being conected to nature and each kind of animal. Being outdoors always makes me feel conected to the mother earth and i always took any chance to do it. I always liked exercises and to be able to combine this, to do some activity being outdoor was always a wish. Then i met Yoga. But I didnt started as you imagine, i started in the living room of my house. I was i school with 15 years old and during the free evenings i can watch a sports tv channel where people usually practice yoga in beautiful yards or next to the beach. I catch me right there. I said to myself this is what i wanted to do!

Some yoga in the beach! In 2013

For several months i only did yoga in the living room in front the tv to learn the moves and right positions. I really felt this was the perfect activity for me, after doing weight in the gym for years, spinning, and running, nothing else seems to be at the same level and give me so much hapiness and wellness.
Was extremly difficult to find a space where i can do yoga. I live in Venezuela, a latinoamerican country. Here the culture of doing yoga and meditation just started to Bloom some years ago, by the time i was in school more tan 15 years ago in my city i can say myself was the only perso i know doing yoga. My Friends and family didnt share this hobby. I can even say to mention you do yoga in front others was a little bit extrange because people in general wasnt related to this activity.

This are two different activities sponsored by the group of woman during their first year 2016

Then in the end of my years in university a close friend told me she had found a teacher, one of the only 3 yoga teachers in the city. This was in 2010. I decided to go in that same moment. I was very excited! The teacher mentioned that only have available one spot for free classes during Saturdays for beginners. I was surprised to know she had clases during mornings and evenings everyday and all of them were full. Not any one free spot! How was this possible if i never met someone doing yoga before? I took the free class one a week and after two or three moths the teacher called me to say: “i got your spot” So i start twice a week in the evening. Was absolutly amazing! I was in my element. I loved it and i got the chance to do it surrounded by wonderful people who liked the same as me. My teacher is a beautiful soul, who encourage me everytime she can and also became in an amazing friend now. I have learned about yoga, health, life and love with her. I always will be thankfull about this oportunity to grow and glow by her hand.


I was with my teacher for around 3 years and then she made a pause to take care of her health. During that time i was a bit lost, i tried several teachers because then there was more Yoga available around.
And now that i mention this, the fact of trying several places and masters was a bless. I did several clases in a Yoga studio with a teacher who decided to have once a week a class in a beautiful natural Park we had in our city, and i felt as i always imagined myself when i was younger watching the people doing yoga on tv.

This is the day whe we celebrated the first International Yoga Day in my hometown in 2015

The first year we celebrate The international Yoga Day in my city, there was a master class for everyone in this park and i believe it was destiny. I got lost, i wasnt able to find the teacher and in the gate i met two wonderful people who turno out to be yoga teachers too. Well we decided to do our own class and at the end we meditate and share some fruits and made a toast with a cup of tea. Was very nice, besides the beginning o a new chapter in this journey of yoga for me. This teachers the following year founded a group of woman named the “Circle of Woman Sweet Moon” that is an organization that made activities besides yoga focus in woman and her value to society, in order of this they make one meeting monthly near the full moon to celebrate life and blessings. Throught this meetings i had the luck to meet more people related to the yoga world and also spiritual activities. This year will be the 3th aniversary of this group and im more happy tan ever to belong to this group. I have learned from them but also from myself working all my experiences inside and outside the mat. In my job and in my house.

In this picture im making mandalas with the group of woman Sweet Moon as part of a meditation for my country Venezuela.

The best part of yoga is also i can do it wherever i want. I can pay for a particular lesson but i can also go for example to the park and join to a free class or doing it by myself.
During this time life have showed to me there is no coincidences and that we are all made of energy and to work in this energy to achieve your goals is the best you can do. You dont have to practice yoga to get this knowledge and to start to apply this from right now.

Yoga for me was and is a bless. Talking about the practice i know i am far from being perfect, but im not worry about this. Yoga taught me to focus my energy in what i want by working asanas to open the shoulders and the heart at the same time. I have learned to work in my internal and external balance, i have learned by holding my weight in my core to strenght my body and my soul. I have learned hard work pays and this is something i appreciate because i can see people each time more want to get results without the hard work. I also have learned that doesn´t matter how many times i do one posture everyday can be different because you renovate your body each single day, each hour.

Thanks to you for taking the time to read a piece of me. I wish you are able to find your passion too.
