Mustangs of the southwest Desert

in #mustangs2 years ago

Step into the scorching heat of the southwest desert with me as I share a thrilling glimpse of my recent wild adventure capturing the untamed beauty of desert mustangs. Armed with my camera and an unyielding passion for these majestic creatures, I braved temperatures that soared to a staggering 115 degrees Fahrenheit. The searing sun bore witness to my determination as I set out to photograph dozens of wild horses and their playful foals.

But my journey wasn’t without its fair share of challenges and close calls. Venturing a little too close to native land, I found myself teetering on the edge of a citation. Through quick thinking and a dash of luck, I managed to wriggle out of the situation with a mere warning. As I trained my lens on these creatures of the wild, some of the inquisitive males cast aside their natural wariness, drawing near in curiosity. And let me be honest—my heart skipped a beat as their sheer power and magnificence loomed near. These beings, capable of stomping their authority into the earth, revealed a gentler side as they graced me with the chance to capture their essence through my photographs.

So, buckle up and prepare to be transported to a realm where strength and grace collide, where the desert’s heat pales in comparison to the intensity of my unforgettable encounter with these untamed souls. Join me in celebrating the allure of the southwest desert mustangs, as I proudly present the snapshots that bear witness to their untamed world. Get ready to be captivated! 📸🐴🏜️










#Mustangs #Southwest #Desert #WildHorses