RE: Musing Posts
I am happy as an educator that you are looking to invest, the point is to start early and start young. Now, it is important to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge of investing. Books by Robert Kiyosaki are great ways to start. In addition, investopedia have a wealth of information. Personally, I would Google search top ten ways to invest your money before using investopedia to support my research.
Based on my experience, I would divide investments into safe and high risk.
Of course, dividend, blue chip stocks and properties are the safest. They are not without risk, but in general, they retain their value over time with some interests given to you.
As you are young, do consider more high risk stocks such as Aggresive high risk stocks as well as cryptocurrencies. I believe cryptocurrencies are great ways to invest your money. I personally made 5 times the profit for Verge. In other words, do your research, put some into safe investments and others into high risk. Never be greedy and take your time. All the best!