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RE: A Penny for Your Songs (1)

in #music6 years ago

Yeah well, as you said, life has a way of making you feel caged sometimes. That song is a climax, he starts off by saying he just want to be free, but then he admits that the freedom he looks for is more of a leap in the dark, a self-destructive action. An energy that he's been keeping suppressed and that might go in unpredictable directions. I've been going through some hard stuff lately I guess, and that desire has been coming back to bite me, every once in a while. But I guess that exploring this would become very personal and long (and probably incredibly boring) very quickly, and I feel it would be a bit out of place here :)

And it would kinda defeat the purpose, right? I guess your answer somehow made my point. You got something about me not through my words or explanation, but through music, willingness to listen and the sensitivity to understand. I'm truly thankful for that.


There's this quote I really like by Warhol,

Sometimes people let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say, "So what."
"My mother didn't love me." So what.
"My husband won't ball me. So what.
"I'm a success but I'm still alone." So what.
I don't know how I made it through all the years before I learned how to do that trick. It took a long time for me to learn it, but once you do, you never forget

I try to keep it in mind whenever I feel swamped. Reminds me change isn t that far away.
Life is unpredictable. That's what keeps a lot of people stuck in place, the fear of the unknown and how that something might be worse. It might also be great. You don't know, you have to risk it.

Glad this helped in some way. You're right, you get a lot about a person when you keep an eye on their playlist. And the better you know someone, the easier it is to understand where certain ideas/lyrics apply in their heads. Anyway, hope you find the change you're looking for.

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Huh. You hit a nerve there, I guess. Love the quote, so true. The thing is, the "so what" philosophy only gets you so far. Don't get me wrong, I'm a strong believer in not taking shit too seriously. I'm not really the brooding type, although in hindsight, I might have given that impression. But if you make it a habit, at some point, you just get disconnected from everything. Yourself included. Nevertheless, the lesson you took from it, what you said about risking it, might be one of those things I just don't seem to ever learn. Again, hit a nerve.

You know, if you keep this up you're gonna be having me blabbering about life for days. Maybe next weekend I'm gonna post something happier, how's that sound? :D

Totally, I agree. Just helps to save your broody moments for truly important moments, things that really need some brooding, you know? Important to find balance, as with anything.

I'm glad I hit a nerve :) Again, hope you find whatever it is you're looking for. I don't think it's something you can learn, in the sense that I don't think it gets easier as time wears on. On the contrary, actually, the older we get, the more stuck we become, you know? more comfortable, even though our present situation isn't all that comfortable to begin with...
It's always hard to risk and easier to stay. Guess it's just about you figuring out what's worth more - staying or going.

Depends how you feel next weekend :D I find music does weigh a lot on one's mood. If you listen to wallowy music, you're gonna wallow. If you listen to spit in your face music, you'll get a more cheery attitude about the world. I know I do ;)

They say with age comes wisdom! You should be about 70 by my estimation.
But yeah, jokes aside, you feel like time is passing and you have to take a stance, right? "might as well stay on the path I've chosen". I'll figure it out, no doubt. Me & Myself have been through worse!

Ha :))) I get that a lot, thanks.
Yeah, but I guess it really depends when this taking a stance happens, you know? I mean, at some point, it's getting pretty late, you're pushing the dusk of your life and the chances to radically change things are pretty slim. Easier to let sleeping dogs lie.
But sometimes, you could change something that's making you unhappy, you could change your whole life. And still, you don't. I think that mentality is understandable, but only after a certain age...

I'm sure you will :)