The Power of Music Part 1: Frequency and Cellular Dynamics

Most people are aware that music can significantly impact your mood. If you’re feeling depressed and you turn on one of your favorite songs, you generally experience an immediate improvement in how you feel. Why does music do this? If it can make you feel better, wouldn’t that mean it can also make you feel worse? What if music could be intentionally weaponized to subliminally harm you without you knowing it?

I am a conscious electronic dance music DJ that goes by the name EHYEH (“I Am”) and works exclusively with music that is tuned outside of the standard tuning scale where the note A4 = 440 Hz. I go through a time consuming and laborious process to transpose every track that I get into a different tonal scale that has almost no audible difference. I believe that the frequency (Hz or Cycles per second) of the tonal scale the music is played at has just as much of an impact as the lyrics can, as some people claim. Through this series, I’m going to explain the why behind all of this, including why it matters for you even if you aren’t into my individual style of music.

Dr Masaru Emoto is a Japanese scientist that pioneered the visual documentation of the measurable physical impact that an outside stimulus has on the structural formation of frozen water crystals. His book “The Hidden Messages in Water” summarizes his findings in an easy to understand compilation. I recommend checking it out if you are interested in learning more.

In his experiments, he documented photographs of frozen water crystals that had formed after being exposed to exposed various emotions, words, music and environments both what would be considered “positive” and “negative.”

(From “The Hidden Messages In Water” by Masaru Emoto)
This is a comparison of the structure of the water crystals formed from “positive” exposures, such as Compassion, Thank You, Wisdom, Love and Classical music versus “negative” exposures, such as Heavy metal music, “I will kill you” and “You fool” (expression of Hate).

(Photos from “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto)
It’s easy to see that there is an obvious difference in the structure, uniformity, organization, geometry and sheer beauty of the crystals formed following “positive” exposures versus the “negative” exposures.
Why is this important and what does it have to do with music?

The human body is ultimately a vast community of 50 trillion individual (and individually conscious) cells, made up of mostly water. The health and composition of each of these cells and the cellular communities has a direct impact on physiological functions of the community (organs and glands) which have a direct impact on your thoughts and emotions. Not complete control, but certainly an influence, as Cellular Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD explains very eloquently in the book “The Biology of Belief” through the study of Epigenetics (“above the genes”).

He has shown through his research that the environment that cells are exposed to (including thoughts, emotions and external influences like music) can actually turn on and off gene expression, so even an organism born with certain “bad” genes can live without ever expressing them if provided with an optimum environment of “positive” influences, (Such as love, gratitude, healthy food full of nutrients, absence of toxins, etc). Bruce Lipton discovered that the DNA within the Nucleus of every cell acts a response station to external stimulus. Cells actually possess physical structures on the cellular membrane that are receptors which “read” every stimulus from the outside environment and signal the appropriate response to the rest of the system.

In his 1967 Cellular Experiment, he took stem cells with a particular set of genetics (DNA), and exposed them to a completely different environment. The result? The development of a completely different cell, corresponding to the environment that it was exposed to, not what it was genetically sourced from.

(Photo credit:
There have been many other experiments demonstrating similar results including comparing plants that are exposed to “positive” and “negative” influence which have all found the same results. The plants exposed to positive affirmations, love, gratitude and certain music grew faster, larger and had healthier and more extensive root growth than the plant that was exposed to anger, hate and music charged with “negative” emotions.

(Photo credit:
You don’t have to be a “New Age Hippie” to see that the environment you expose yourself to, be it what you ingest in your body or what you ingest in your mind, has a real impact on you physically, mentally and emotionally.
Now that we have laid the foundation and have a reason to think twice about what we expose ourselves to and put in our minds, the next part in this series will delve into what this means for music, starting with some of the unknown history of music and cultural influences that have subversively weaponized it against you, and what you can do about it.
Reading “The Hidden Messages in Water” woke me up to using more positive words and thoughts. I always talk to my plants as I water them.
Just sprouted my first marijuana seed and sweet talking her every time I see her.
An extraordinary post👍
Thank you!
It is very interesting indeed what music can do to what we call things. I agree with you, when music can effect things, it certainly will effect us! :)
Thank you, I look forward to going more into depth on how it all works! :)
Let the fingers write the stories and posts! :)
Awesome brother been nice chilling with you in Acapulco thanks steve TecAV
"Music awakens in our souls memories of our heavenly home, a yearning for that lost paradise. It is one of the most powerful mediums because it is so immediate, so instantaneous. In a flash you remember you have come from heaven and must one day return to heaven."