Tulsa Live Stream Episode 123
Hey Tulsa Live Stream fans! We'd love to have you tune into our live program tonight starting in just a few short minutes (8:30pm). As of last week, we have moved to only having the live program on Tulsa Live Stream.com. Special thanks to the musicians who made it out last week, Tony Canali Band, and @Al Jennings, Also, check out the interview with Tony Canali at the end of last weeks show!
Interested in performing yourself? Or would you like to broadcast an Ad to all of our viewers? Get a hold of Tulsa Video Magazine or email [email protected] and we'll get you hooked up with our sponsorship team. Spotlight sponsor this week Stange Law Firm, PC Thanks for sponsoring the program!
On tonight's show we welcome back Bubba Blues of Tulsa and Doug Russell and we welcome @Max James as our newest member of the Tulsa Live Stream program!